Chapter 12: When Aidan remembers Eveline phasing

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- Aidan's Prov
It's been about like, 2 weeks since Eveline became my protégé (apprentice) and became Accelerate so I HAVE been teaching her as much as I can and she unlocked her phasing power so she can phase now!! I remember it when we were fighting a Meta-Human and Eveline had to take her down and whatever this Meta touches, it disintegrates, literally, and the only way for Eveline to stop her was by getting her blood into this Meta because it'll counteract her cells and negate her powers


"I need you to get your blood into her sis, it'll counteract her cells and negate her powers permanently" I told Eveline after I am winded by phasing a BOAT through the island from crashing and I don't have anything left in me for now so Eveline is the only one who can stop this Meta "How am I supposed to do that if I can't even touch her?" Eveline asked me "You're gonna phase it into her" I told Eveline "I've never done that before and you know that!" Eveline exclaimed "YOU just watched another one of my firsts because I've never phased anything other than myself before but I did it because I wasn't given a choice" I told Eveline "Okay?" I told Eveline and I heard Eveline break a branch and I heard her whimper in pain meaning she cut her hand "I know you can do this, okay sis? I need you to believe you can too" I told Eveline giving her the confidence she needs "Eveline, breathe" I told her and I heard her take deep breaths "Feel the air, feel the wind around your face, feel the ground under your feet, and the lightning, feel the lightning pulse through every single cell in your body, like an electric shock that you don't ever want to end" I started teaching her how to phase like how Kai taught me "You're no longer you now Eveline, but you're a part of something much greater" I went on through comms "You're a part, of The Speed Force" I told her "Just like me" I told her "And it's power, it's power is ours" I told her closing my eyes and remembered the feeling then opened my eyes "Now run Eveline" I started "Run" I finished and after a little while I heard Eveline gasp "It worked!" Eveline exclaimed "I did it! I phased!" Eveline exclaimed "You sure did" I heard the Meta that Eveline phased through tell Eveline through the com-link "Goodbye Accelerate" I heard the woman say "Oh, wha-hey! Look at that!" Eveline exclaimed "Your powers are completely neutralized lady" said Eveline "What did you do!?" this woman demanded "My little brother and I? We won" I heard Eveline tell this Meta then I heard Eveline punch her in the face and she took the Meta to jail

*Flashback Over*

And I couldn't be more prouder of my big sister and myself because I always thought myself as a terrible teacher because all the times Eveline has tried to phase have all failed but I was finally able to teach her how to phase AND SHE CAN FINALLY RUN A LITTLE OVER MACH 1! Eveline is almost as fast as me but I can run at, at least mach 2.1, anyway, I'm right now swimming in the pool with Dad and he wanted to know more about me so I sighed "What do you wanna know Dad?" I asked Dad "Well, do you have any friends? how are your grades at school?" Dad asked me "Well, I don't have a lot of friends, only a few but that's better than no friends, and my grades?" I told/asked Dad and Dad nodded "Straight A +'s" I replied telling him all my grades are OVER 90% and I'm actually top of all my classes and after I got out of the water and dried off, I went to the kitchen and I have my own journal and I do entries every day so I don't miss anything by accident if I make a mistake and time travel to mend it then I'll know what to do to fix a mistake, but anyway, as I'm writing in my journal I felt like someone was behind me "Whatcha doin'?" Aunt Melissa asked "HOLY IRENE!" I screamed jumping then I pinned her against the wall but saw it was only her and I apologized for how I reacted but that was her fault, she should know better than to scare me like that because I could've hurt her really badly since I'm a Speedster and she forgave me then I explained to her that the leather book I'm writing in is my journal and it's basically just a piece of leather with paper in it and a pen that has straps to keep it closed and I told her how many times I write in it and she was amazed I write in my journal every day as many times as I can and I even wrote about Eveline becoming a Speedster and when she unlocked her phasing power so I still have to be very careful because the timeline is a VERY fragile piece and if I mess it up in too many ways, I will screw EVERYTHING up and the whole WORLD will be the reincarnation of Hell so I have to be INSANELY careful than I already have been.

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