6. Floriesen | Stargazing Festival

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Oof I made another one and enjoy it 😩👌
Also Wattpad is being ass cause I almost lost my work on this, hell.

Idea by Salma. Thank you girl úwù and love ya mwah!


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Couple: Leo Kliesen (Tekken) × Ann Flores (Aka Author Chan)

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Warning:  Fluff yall

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Leo's Pov

I was walking then I noticed a poster on the Utility pole which is hanging up. I read it

"Stargazing Festival. Gather all your families, friends and your loved ones! To see a beautiful stars! In 3 days! Location: Camp Beaverlake"

I blinked and rubs my head, I think I need to invite-

"Yo Leo!" Voice called me and I saw Steve. I know Steve for very long time cause He's in the video I just saw that my mom taking care of him Since he's child.

"Oh Hey, Man" I smiled and looking at him "Stargazing is gonna be awesome! You're coming right?" He asked and I nodded.

"By yourself?" Said Steve and I nodded as I bit my cheek, inside.

"What? Come man, you can't be alone always! Wait! How about Ann? I'm sure she would love to come!" He give a smile and my eyes widen as I blushed "What?! I mean, I don't know if she wants to..." I replied shyly.

"Speaking of her, she was with Girls!" He pointed at the direction and I looked at it as saw her, Ann walking towards with Asuka and Xiaoyu.

"Steve! Leo!" Asuka waves at us and they walking towards at us "You guys Excited for the event?" She said.

"Oh yeah definitely! Leo coming too! You're gonna come to watch, Ann?" He asked to her and Ann shrugged "I never been stargazing before but Sure I'll try to come" Ann replied while a little smile.

"That's great! Cause we need a good spot to watch the stars in 3 days, We don't want to miss that!" Xiaoyu grinned as I staring at Ann while my mind is full of Thoughts, maybe I should invite Ann with me.

"We better get going then! Cause we need to buy some good clothes to wear to the stars!"" Xiaoyu smiled, We nodded as we waving at home while they start to leave.

I sighs softly while I noticed Steve giving me a smirk, He knows I'm staring at Ann.

"So... you're coming?" Said Steve and I nodded slowly "Yeah, Fine... I'll come and I'll i-invited her but I need good clothes to wear" I replied.

"I'll help you with that, I'll call Hwoarang to help you too!"

Ann's Pov

I stared down at the table while holding my head both sides, blushing a mess. I been thinking about Leo so much and I can't help it so much.

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