eye contact.

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When Sean had got a call early in the morning from Tessandra Chavez asking about doing a music video for Blake McGrath's new song with Kaycee, he instantly called his partner to tell her the news.

"SHAMU" she yelled the second the call started. "what's happening."

"Tess called me this morning, she wants us to do a video for his song 'Let you love me," Sean said, the excitement he was feeling coming through in his voice

"Oh, that cool, what did you say?" she nonchalantly said back

"I said I'd ask you first," He said smile faltered at the girl's lack of excitement. " do you not want to do it? he asked hesitantly.

"No, no, of course, I do Sean. It sounds good, text me when and where she wants us to reverse, okay. talk to you later." Sean panicked at her shaky and rushed word but before he could check on her she hung up.

Kaycee was sitting in her bedroom blushing furiously at the short conversation with Sean. They were going to dance in a REALLY intimate song and he was excited about it. She squealed, causing alarm to her sister who was walking past her room.

"Everything okay Kayc?" Kylie said walking in her room. "Wow, you are bright red, what is going on?"

"Shut up," Kaycee said, "have you heard blake McGrath's new song?"

"Let you love me, right?"What about it?"

"Tessandra wants Sean and me to do a duet to it."

"Wow Kayc, that's amazing. Want to explain the red face now"

"I know, it's just we haven't danced to a song like this since 'the cut' and Tessandras choreography is on a whole other level of intimacy to what we usually do."

"Youll be fine Kaycee, just wait until your in rehearsals I'm sure you'll be amazing," Kylie said as she leaving her sister's room.

Doing dances to love songs was something that always scared her. To Sean, it always seemed to come naturally, the emotion, the connection, the facials and all, but she always felt like she was ruining it. Over the years she had been told to try and relate her dances to something in her life, and most the time she was able to, but when it came to those types of songs, she was never able to find something. She was only 16 and had never been in love, she had had close friends who were male over the years, but had never had anyone who she loved.

A week later, they were at the rehearsal. The two other students who Tessandra had with them had run through the whole dance already and she had never done anything nearly as advanced in partnering as this. She was tense and knew that Sean could tell, but she couldn't shake the nerves she was feeling.

"That's it, and circle your arms around him, Sean turn then circle your arms around her and yep that's it. Kaycee, don't back away when he does that, you got this." Tessandra said supportively. Sean smiled at her trying to get her to loosen up a bit. However, this didn't help her at all. Kaycee's eyes met his as he smiled, that set off her blushing again and her breath caught in her thought throat. She ripped her eyes away from his and stared at the floor. She almost said that she had to go to the bathroom before Tessandra cut her off.

"Okay guys, I think we can wrap it up for today. Sean, Kaycee can you wait up for a minute." she thanked the other dancer for their help and soon it was only the three of them left. " what going on with you two, something felt off today?"

"It's me, Tess, I'm sorry, just having an off day. I'll be better next time" Kaycee apologised lowering her red face to the floor.

"It's okay, really it happens to everyone., but honestly I think this is more of a partner problem. Don't worry, last time this happened to a duet I was trying to choreograph I got them to try some connection exercises and it seemed to help. I'll email you some." Tessandra said. The pair decided not to protest, thanked her and left.

Later on in the evening, the two were sitting in Sean garage.

"Do you want to try some of the 'connection exercises' we've been sent," he said.

"Sean, seriously, we don't have too, it's just bad day okay."

"Come on Kayc, we may as well do it, they're easy. I mean the first one is literally eye contact. We can start with that, just sit across from me, we have to look at each other and keep concentrated. So no laughing." he said teasingly.

She agreed and turned off her phone, moving to sit across from him, then locked her eyes with his.

"This is weird Sean," Kaycee said

"Nu-uh-uh, Tessandra wants us to do this so we are doing it."

For the first few minutes, internally Kaycee was screaming 'don't go red, don't go red don't go red', but then she began to find it bizarrely calming. She followed copper and hazel lines in his eyes, forgetting all about the awkwardness she was feeling while they were facing hours before.

She didn't realise how much time had passed until someone knocked on the door and he ripped his eyes away from hers to answer it. She looked down at the floor as Sean answered his sister. 'That wasn't so bad' she thought.

"Do you want to tell me what was going on earlier? You looked like you were really freaking out." sean asked coming back over and sitting down next to her.

"I'm sorry Sean, the song freaked me out a little," she said, he urged her to continue "I never feel like I know how to do the whole 'love story' thing, and you always seem to do it so naturally. I've never been in love with anyone so I can't relate it to anything like we normally do."

"Kayc, I've never been in love either, it's weird but it's just a bit of acting. You're Kaycee rice expert actress anyways, its nothing to freak out about. You should have said earlier that this is what was freaking you out."

"I guess, I just don't want to let Tessandra down."

"You're not going to let her down. It'll be fine Kayc." she agreed with him. They spent the rest of the night, doing the connection exercises they were sent and badly going over different choreography the didn't know.

The weekend after, they were back rehearsing with Tessandra and the nerves Kaycee felt were back. The choreography was at a level she knew she was able to do, but even after the talk her and sean had, the connection and emotion the song held were still freaking her out.

"Good guys! Okay, when you come off his shoulder, there's a second when you look at each other before you turn away from him Kaycee," Tessandra said. Kaycee was hesitant but hoped it would not be long enough for him to realise the look in her eyes.

She lifted her eyes to meet his and all of her fears melted away. Before when she looked into his eyes, it was just for a dance and it was over so quickly it meant nothing to her. This time it calmed her, the other night must have made her look at him differently, because now a smile was on her face and the idea of having to do a love inspired routine didn't seem as scary. As the music continued and they finished the routine, she was giggling and nerves she had previously felt had gone.

"Guess my connection exercised worked, didn't they Kaycee." 

Because it been a year since the 'Let you love me' dance came out and honestly it's one of my favourite dances ever  :) 

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