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The words Newt and I had shared within the confines of our room echoed in my head as I walk a hollow stairway. All this talk of "fate" or "destiny" has my mind swimming. What can I do? How am I supposed to contribute to a war within a world that I only too recently became acquainted with? I sigh as I pause by an open window, breathing in the fresh air as the soft breeze plays with my hair. I gaze down upon the glimmering shard of a wand, and once again release a sigh. 'This is all just too much.', I think it myself as I rest my firearms on the window sill, leaning out just enough to catch a better view of the lush surrounding that cradle the school like a blanket.

A sudden noise startles me from my content viewing. I turn around to see several books sprawled out on the stairway landing next to me. I turn towards the opposite direction, seeing the origin place of the disheveled books. I am both surprised and uneased by the frail, child figure standing a few steps up from me. His hair glows unnaturally, the same way it did in Dumbledores office. His face holds an expression that I can't quite read. He looks about as surprised as I am, but there's some other type of emotion he's expressing that I can't quite fathom.

Desperate to break this suffocating silence, I say, "Ummm... hi! It's 'Tom', isn't it?". His expressed changes. He gives me a wary and somewhat disgusted look. '...okay?' I think to myself. I turn to his book, and bend to pick one up, "Are you alright? You gave me quite a scare.", "Wait, don't--!". His calls for me to cease reached me a little too late as I picked up the book, revealing an interesting gold necklace. The chain was long and thin, and the centerpiece of the article was a round pendant, sporting -- what looked to be -- a small hour glass. I picked up the necklace and examined it. By now, Tom had run down the stairs and was standing next to me.

"Is this yours?" I asked, mustering up a small smile, trying to be as genuine as possible. Tom ripped the necklace from my hands and pocketed it in the blink of an eye. He gives me a bit of a death glare, then begins picking up the remainder of his books. I'm taken aback by his behavior. I clear my throat, and bend down to help, "It's beautiful". Tom stays silent, averting his eyes. Is there anything I can do to get this kid to talk?

We finish collecting Toms books. He composes himself, mumbling a "Thank you". As he makes his way down the stairway, I feel a weight light off my chest. Something about Tom's presence is so heavy and intimidating. Once he's completely out of sight, I realize something. I haven't the slightest idea where I am, nor how I got here. I had left mine and News room so within myself, that I hadn't paid attention to my surroundings. Hell, I hadn't even had a heading in mind when I left. I had just known I needed some air. I look up the stone, gray-ish stairs, then down, trying to decide which way to go. I decide to continue down the stairs. Maybe I'll run into someone who can help me.

* * *
Somewhere along my journey to re-find my room, I had met a very kind and polite ghost, who introduced himself as Sir Nicholas. Though Sir Nicholas has given me precise, detailed instruction, I have still not found my way back. If anything, I'm more lost. "Damn me for having no sense of direction!", I exclaim to no one in particular as I walk, aimlessly through a field. How I had gotten here: I couldn't say.

Off, not far, in the distance, I see pillars sporting — what I assume to be — the schools various house colors. It almost resembles some kind of sports field, from what I can see. But I've never seen a stadium quite look like that. I also see minuscule figures flying around open enclosure. "Birds?", I wonder to myself. Intrigued, I start towards the fascinating structure. As I draw nearer, I come to figure out that the flying object are not birds, but people. I feel my mouth hang slightly agape at the realization and discovery. Excited, and now full of new found motivation, I make my way into the stadium.

I find my way into the empty stands and watch with amazement. Not only are these people, these are students on flying broomsticks. It appears that I'm only sitting in on a practice, but these kids are still astonishing. They almost blur through the air, catching, throwing, and hitting various numerous types of balls. 'This is more fun than American football.', I chuckle to myself, comparing a sport from my world to this one. Magical, and completely out of its league.

     I sigh in total bliss, the stressors from earlier felling far from my thoughts. "Enjoying yourself?", I pull my attention away from the practice game —hesitantly so — and meet the family ocean eyes of the man I've become so fond of. He tilts his head smiles as he leans against the railing of the stairs, both hands in his pockets. I return his smile and nod. "This is amazing! I'm not sure how many times of said that about this place, but this... this takes the cake", I gesture towards the field and return my gaze to it. Newt begins a slow shuffle over to me. Keeping an ear on him, "How'd you find me?", I ask. "I thought I was lost for sure. Did one of your animals play a key part?", I smirk. Newt finds a seat next to me and looks wholly at me, "(Y/N), because our bond — our connection — is so, ridiculous strong, I don't need one of my animals to track you down. I'll mindlessly travel the lengths of the earth, because I know that fate will bring me back to you. Always."

I'm stunned by the proclamation. Suddenly, the tiniest, most devilish smirk cracks its way onto Newts lips. An expression not very common in the many faces of Newt Scamander. I arch a brow at him before I raise both to the sky with realization. He begins to chuckle. I gasp slightly, gently slapping his arm, "You're the worst". Newt erupts into laughter and I can't help but join in. After a moment, we settle and turn our attention back to the game. A sew seconds of silence pass. "...Can you help explain this game to me a bit? I want to understand it", I ask. Newt smiles and agrees. And we continue to enjoy the practice, Newt teaching me everything about this game called Quidditch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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