The Great Dispersion

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Phoenix sat watching the breathtaking view from the top floor from the library. The ocean was orange and gently crashing on the pale sand. The sky was bright and clear but its beauty was belittled by bifucation. Raquel wasn't there to complain about how long the sun takes to set. Quinn wasn't there to give some boredom-inspiring lecture about why the sky changes color when it rises and when it sets. Aria wasn't there to see the poetic side of the sun set and silence both Raquel and Quinn for their pointless protests. Even Onyx and Shade-Marie's presence were missed.

Sithandra rested her hand on Phoenix's shoulder but it was the shriek that made her turn to the half skulled face. A bright orange bird was perched on the scythe wielder's arm. "Young Phoenix, meet the phoenix; Koria's defense. They take refuge, here, in the Luminosity. They protect it as if it were Koria and the army is yours to command as the guardian of fire."

The phoenix perched beside Phoenix and chirped squarely at her. The fire user only sighed as she took in the red-orange plumage of the big bird. "If Raquel were here, she would make an uncle joke about the word 'phoenix'. Then I would say 'hey, my mother gave me that name. It was the name of the dragon she rode'. Quinn would give some some unknown fact about phoenixes. Onyx would be awed and Aria and Shade-Marie would be playing with it." She let out a shudder then shook it off. "I sound like I haven't seen them in years."

"I see the bonds you share with your friends. They were willing to die for you when you found your family. They were willing to die for an entire realm of people they did not know yet those very people mattered a great deal to them too. Onyx has undying trust in you for your empathy. You're elements are also very similar, as are your hearts. Shade-Marie is the opposite of Onyx but she is very similar to Aria and to you. She finds solace in being alone, like you do but her likeness to Aria's element will mean she is never short on compassion and empathy." Phoenix nodded without looking away from the view. "Come now. The end of days will not wait for friends to grieve their long distances. I will help you with your volcanic magic."

"How? I need an earth elemental."

Sithandra leaned her scythe against the wall then took Phoenix by the hand and directed her to the balcony. The calm waves became violent and the sand on the beach swirled into a terrifying twister. Black mist spread from one hand and bright light from another. Fires engulfed the garden and all Phoenix could do was awe at the sight.

The scythe wielder lowered her hands and her hold on the six elements was released. The phoenix cooed beside Phoenix as she whispered, "you're a fundamental."


Aria was wowed by the great hall she was in. Unlike the Luminosity, this palace's walls were plain white and redirected the echoe of her shoes on the reflective tiles.

She jumped when a voice echoed, "it's good to be home." In Pasquale's place stood a bare chested young man, not much older than her. "Aria. Welcome to Cloudale, the city of air. Or realm, as you would say."

"Pasquale," she stuttered.

He nodded but even if he didn't, his eyes glistened the way his feathers did when they light caught them. "It's not normal," he replied with a small chuckle. He held up his wrist with a bangle around it. "It's just this. Sithandra wanted to ensure that you have your forces at your disposal." The air user nodded, evidently still in disbelief. "After all you've seen, a shapeshifting bird disturbs you?"

"I've never seen or heard of animals shapeshifting," she countered. "By themselves or with enchanted items."

Pasquale sighed as he lessened the distance between them. "This's Zenith, the only limit on possibilities is your mind." He guided her through the palace and outside into thick mist and wild winds. "Until the actual air guardian is ready, Cloudale will be at your full disposal."

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