Ying and Yang

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"Do you truly believe the Horsemen will fight fairly," Sithandra countered. "You are both worthy opponents, I will admit, but it is an artifice to think they will not hesitate to use your weakness against you." Shade-Marie and Onyx remained defiantly silent as Sithandra slithered ahead of them with her brother's scythe in hand. "Your weakness is greater than that of Aria or Raquel or Phoenix or Quinn. Only when you are strongest in your weakness can you truly be prepared."

The two counter-element guardians still said nothing. Onyx was still too angry to and Shade-Marie just didn't want to. Her raven black hair - that touched her elbows - was surrounded with tendrils of her deep dark purple mist. Aria picked up that she subconsciously does that. Onyx's toasty skin made the darkness girl's pale skin appear extra pallid. Her pale blue-grey eyes and his bright blue ones also revealed how truly contrasted they are.

Onyx turned to her when Sithandra continued to lead them throughout the Luminosity. His bright blonde hair looked alive and made her look like it was withered. Even their personalities were stark contrasts!

Onyx could hold a grudge like it was a vice but Shade-Marie didn't particularly care. Exhibit one; Sithandra. Aria, Quinn, Raquel and Phoenix were just annoyed and didn't bother much with Sithandra. Onyx was still livid and lashed out wherever the scythe wielder exhaled in the wrong direction. Shade-Marie couldn't be bothered; she did was she was told and did her best to keep the other five guardians from involving her in their antics.

Sithandra led them out of the Luminosity and across a courtyard with crystal terns playing in the soundwaves of Aria's screams. The air user herself was atop a tower, standing on the turrets while Discordia was coiled around it. The Ryujawn scurried down the white palace walls to sniff the traveling trio.

Satisfied that they were friendlies, Aria's coldblooded counterpart continued back up the tower. Aria waved to the ant-sized bypassers before letting out another bitter scream that sent some of the terns spiraling away. Sithandra nodded to herself then led the two guardians on her tail into a glass building.

The walls and ceiling were colored glass that illuminated rainbows throughout the room. The concrete floor was lightly submerged in water and Shade-Marie could only sneer at her went ankles. Her hair, the black jeans and the matching Gothen-styled corset she wore were a striking contrast to the bright room. Onyx raised his hand and the colorful rays formed a ball of color in his hand. The light guardian began glowing from the excess power around him.

The quillcat that followed them turned away from the sudden brightness. "Shade-Marie," Sithandra called then gestured to the solarium. "The water reflects the light which will make it harder for you to extend your inner darkness." Onyx's glow abruptly faded as he furrowed his eyebrows at his counterpart. "Onyx," the scythe wielder called then exited with him in tow.

"Good luck," he whispered.

The quillcat sat unnaturally comfortably in the inch and a half of water. In the solarium's light, its black fur had cheetah patterns. His quills descended to lay passively on his body. To the darkness guardian, those sabre teeth looked uncomfortable from where they appeared at the edge of his top lip.

His paws were huge and made Shade-Marie's foot look like a wealthy Chinese girl with bound feet. Even resting horizontally, the quillcat was huge; it's head was passed her knee. His bright amber eyes were locked on her as she studied it. For a brief time, the quillcat didn't look like it was breathing but with quills that thick over its ribs, it evidently was alive and well.

She surveyed the solarium and the how she and the black quillcat were very out of place. "Aria," a woman's voice whispered and the guardian spun around. "Aria? Aria? Where are you, Aria?"

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