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Few days passes by after fixation of marriage .
One day before engagement,
Mahima- Rakshit betw where are you going ha u know na your marriage is near thn.
Rakshit- i also want to stay but these days we are working on a big deal for a merger  with the no. 1 company. We need to work hard as many competitors are there . So bye mom.
Rakshit reaches office and started his work when he gets  a call from Drishti . He picked it up .
Rakshit- hello Dri how are you
Drishti- fine what about you rakku
Rakshit- i am actually very much temsed aa there is a very important meeting tomorrow
Drishti oh btw with whom🤔
Rakshit- With whom don't know but it is a girl owner of Romya group of companies for the merger.
Drishti- oh but I heard her face is hidden  is it true.
Rakshit- ya it's true but who cares i want my deal that's it.
Drishti hmm i wish tumhe hi mile
Rakshit hope so. Ok bye sorry ha but I am very busy right now talk to you later have your food and take care bye.
And he hang up.
Drishti- tomorrow u r going to know my secret be ready for it.

Next day
Drikshit's engagement day but Rakshit left early as he have an important meeting.
Rakshit and all other clients were already present in the meeting  hall of Romya group of companies, waiting for Owners entry. Suddenly the door of the cabin opened .

 Suddenly the door of the cabin opened

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The girl entered.
Rakshit just got lost in his beauty and came back to his senses when he heard her speaking.
Drishti- Good morning gentlemen . I am Drishti Sharma owner of Romya group of companies and co. And meet my pa Rounak.
All- Good morning ma'am we are so glad to meet you .
Drishti- ok so let's start the meeting.
All gives their presentation and Drishti was quite impressed by all presentation .
Drishti- gentleman let's continue it after lunch.
All nodded and left the room now Drikshit are only present when she said- so Rakshit how is my surprise.
Rakshit- felt proud of her and stood up from his place and fakes anger- why didn't you inform me earlier 😠😠
Drishti gets sad and said - i thought to surprise u that's it . I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you
Rakshit immediately turned and gently kissed her forehead and said- i am proud of you.
Drishti - 😊😊 means you are not angry on me
Rakshit nodded negatively.
Drishti- Btw Rakshit if today I don't select you does it effect our personal life
Rakshit no not at wall i will work more hard next year to be selected.
Don't worry I understand 😄

Don't worry I understand 😄

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Pyaar toh hona hi tha (Drikshit Version)Where stories live. Discover now