🌹15 - Dead Inside 🌹

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The ride home had remained silent, much to hoseoks dislike, with yoongi just sat there with no visible expression shown on his face.

He sat there with the blanket still wrapped tightly around his whole body, hoseok had only hoped the blankets could provide warmth and security, something that hoseok had failed to do for yoongi's now cold and distant heart.

His head was leaning against the window but his eyes remained open. He was just so void of any feeling's or emotions

And hoseok wouldn't blame him, not even for a moment, because he knew whatever the hell yoongi had gone through in that room was not something to be tossed around with jokingly.

And to make things worse hoseok didn't even know what he could say to him to make him feel better.

I mean, what do you say to your best freind of 3 years, the one you promised to be there for no matter what, the one that even after you had made a promise to, had managed to fuck up so badly, that it had cost him to get raped.

And all you could do was lay unconscious without any given idea as to what was going on in the other room.

Hoseok wasn't just dissapointed in himself, oh no he was disgusted, disgusted because even after knowing what joon had planned he still didn't have it in him to stop it from happening, disgusted because this was his best freind, the one that he would die for in a heartbeat... Yet he couldn't save him from that evil bastard yoongi had called his boyfreind.

And now here he is paying the price for his actions, that being having to watch his best freind sit there being completely numb of any feelings.

Hoseok didn't even even know if he should attempt to talk or touch yoongi because he was aware of how when someone had gone through such trauma they didn't want to be touched in fear of it happening again.

When they had been touched in such a way it seems as if their mind goes into attack mode in which they have the need to suddenly protect themselves.

He wanted to talk to yoongi but decides to put it aside for when they reach home. He didn't want yoongi feeling any more uncomfortable than he was already.


They finally reach home and hoseok gets out first paying the taxi driver before going round to the other side to get yoongi out. He opens the door ducking his head to yoongi's line of sight before speaking "hey, yoongi I'm going to help you get out okay" he says before putting his hands behind yoongi's back.

Hoseok knew it was important that he let yoongi know that he was going to touch him before he did it. He didn't want yoongi panicking and thinking he was going to be of harm to him.

Yoongi slowly nods letting hoseok know that it was okay for him to touch him and help him out.

It seriously hurt hoseok to have to see yoongi like this... All stiff and completely out of it but what could he have done? If he knew that joon and his stupid freinds were planning to pull something like this he wouldn't have even let yoongi attend.

But now's not the time to be thinking of such things, he had to make sure yoongi was safe and sound in his house away from the cold harsh weather.

He pulls yoongi out the taxi making sure to keep the blanket wrapped tightly around yoongi, the taxi driver drives away and hoseok makes his way to yoongi's house.

Because they was no way in hell he was going to bring yoongi over to his.. Not with how bloody disfunctional his family were.

Hoseok was scared.. Scared to see yoongi's mum's reaction to yoongi in such a state. Just imagine having to bring your best freind home from a party that you both attended and not come back smiling and happy but instead... You bring your best freind, and someone else's son who they consider their baby no matter how old they were, broken... You bring them home not a whole but in pieces, pieces that are trying to hard so hang on.

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