Chapter 13

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Since I was young then
That was then, that was then


Do you remember?


Do you see that scar on your stomach? Do you remember the stomach aches you had and when we took care of you? We thought you would be fine but you just keep on getting stomach aches everyday that it has been affecting your school work. After a week of seeing you in pain, we all decided to bring you to the hospital. At first they said you were fine and you just had to take medicine but then after another week, the doctors fid and ultrasound on you and saw something. You had appendicitis and your appendix was about to burst so you had to do surgery. Hearing that you have to fo surgery broke my heart- our hearts. I know it must have been very painful for you so we all agreed to let you do the surgery. When you went into surgery, I kept on thinking that- maybe it was my fault... If I took care of you properly, maybe you wouldn't be in pain.... Thankfully, the surgery was a success and you were fine. You still felt pain in the first month of your recovery but soon after, you were better than ever!


"I'm sorry but I don't remember."

A/N: I actually speak from experience. I had appendicitis and the pain in the stomach was HORRIBLE. I had to get surgery before my appendix burst. Thankfully, they were able to get it before it burst and I'm now ok!

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