tired eyes

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request seventeen
summary: heyyy💗👼🏼 could u pls write one where u just spend the entire night keeping kells company in the studio & the two of u being all cuddly and idk kinda just cant keep each others hands to urself but like in a cute way no smut👼🏼💗💗 need some fluff in this quarantine life😂🙏🏻
word count: 1,385
warnings: smut (kissing), swearing, weed

Reader's P.O.V.

"Ugh," You look up from your phone to hear Colson groaning and mumbling to himself.

"What's up?" You press the button on the desk so he can hear you in the recording booth.

"I can't get these bars right,"

"Why don't you take a quick break?" Mod jumps in.

"I guess," He grumbles and puts the headphones on the mic aggressively. You make your way over to the couch and start rolling a blunt for Colson. He makes his way over to you and sits on the floor, in between your legs. You finish rolling and light it quickly, taking a few puffs for yourself and then hand it over. You make conversation with Mod whilst running your hands through Colson's hair and massaging his head because you know he loves the feeling of someone playing with his hair when he's stressed. He traces shapes on your legs lightly at the same time.

"So when are you going to release this?" Travis asks, looking at you and Colson.

"Release what?" You ask.

"That you two are together?" He furrows his eyebrows. Everyone bursts out in laughter.

"We're not together, Trav," Colson chuckles. You smile down at him, oh how you wish you were.

"You coulda fooled me," Travis mumbles. You chuck him a gentle smile.

"Alright on that note, I'm gonna get this done," Colson says and makes his way back into the booth. You frown at the loss of touch but soon smile when you hear him complete the verse he's been trying to do for the last few hours.

"Mod you wanna do the chorus now?" Colson asks from the booth. You press the button so he can hear Mod's answer.

"Yeah sure man," Colson leaves the booth and Mod takes his spot. You start the track and Mod starts singing.

"Y/N you should take a break,"

"I gotta work on this with Mod though," You mumble focusing on the numerous buttons, computers and knobs in front of you.

"I can take over," Slim offers.

"Yes please do," Colson says. You turn around to face him and furrow your eyebrows.

"Am I not doing this right?" You ask because it's only the third or fourth time you've helped with producing. You usually help them write the songs and you've sung a chorus or two on Colson's albums.

"Yeah, you're doing a great job. I just think you should take a break, you've been at this a while," He pauses. "And I want cuddles," He mumbles.

"What was that?" You ask him, not hearing what he said properly. You notice him roll his eyes as he flops down onto the couch. He lies down and opens his arms,

"Come here," He pouts. You chuckle at him and make your way over to the couch. You position your body so that you're in between his legs and the back of your head is resting on his chest. He wraps his arms around your torso and grabs your hands in his, he gently rubs his thumbs on the backs of your hands while you snuggle into his warmth. You move your hands out of his and begin to trace shapes on his forearm, your eyes dancing over the distressed ink. Your fingers eventually get tired, along with your eyes. You feel them slowly drooping until you are engulfed in sleep.

"Y/N," You hear someone say softly. A hand reaches up to brush your hair out of your face lightly. You open your eyes to see Colson's chest moving up and down under your head, somehow in your sleep you had rolled around so that you were laying with your stomach and head on his chest. You had your arms wrapped around him and your legs were entangled in his on the uncomfortable couch.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep," You yawn lightly.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for waking you but I need to do another verse," He tells you. You put your arm beside him on the couch and use it to lift yourself up. You move so you're sitting on the couch normally and he does the same. You stretch your arms upward and yawn more as he makes his way over to the booth. You follow him and sit on the chair in front of the mixing desk, expecting an onslaught of comments about how you two were cuddling on the couch but none come. I come to my senses and realise the recording studio is empty except for you and Colson obviously.

"Where is everyone?" You press the button so he can hear you from the booth and ask him.

"They left not long after you fell asleep. Mod finished his verse so they all went upstairs or home I think," He tells you. You give him a simple "okay" as you start the music and he gets ready to sing, you're working on a new song for the Tickets To My Downfall album instead of a rap. You check your phone to see that it's almost 3 am, god how long was I asleep? You think to yourself.

"Alright, I'm done. I'm too tired," Colson chuckles.

"Same," You say as he comes out of the booth. You scan over some stuff on the laptop in front of you as he walks behind you and wraps his arms around your shoulders. For some reason, like it was a normal thing to do, you kiss the back of his hand lightly. Your eyes widen at the action.

"Uh sorry," You mutter and try to ignore it by looking at the laptop intensely. He grabs the top of the laptop and shuts it before grabbing the chair and spinning it around so you're facing him. He puts one hand on the arm of the chair and uses the other to place a few fingers under your chin and guide your face to look up at him.

"W-what are you doing?" You stutter. His eyes dart from your lips to your eyes and back down to your lips. He leans down so that your noses are touching and you lean your head up in an attempt to meet his lips but he moves away quickly. He chuckles to himself and makes his way out of the room.

"What the fuck? What an asshole," You mutter angrily. You open the laptop again and save all of your progress before shutting it and making your way to your room.

You collapse onto your bed and put your head in your hands, groaning in frustration. You can't believe Colson did that, that's a real dick move. You're only friends so you don't know why he would kiss you anyway but you're pretty sure he knows you have feelings for him, and that you have for a while. Your thoughts are interrupted by a light knock on your door.

"What?" You snap angrily.

"That's no way to greet someone," You hear Colson say.

"Go away,"

"No," You turn around to look at him and send a glare his way.

"Come to my room I want to show you something," He tells you and leaves. You groan once more and drag your tired body to his room.

You walk in and see him lying on his bed,

"What do you want?" You ask. He pats the spot next to him. You obnoxiously flop down on the bed and get into a comfortable position so that you're facing him with the blanket wrapped around your cold body. You use your elbow to prop yourself up. He looks down at you and leans in slowly.

"Nope," You put your hand on his chest and push him away lightly.

"What?" He pouts.

"You're not getting away with that again," You glare.

"I'm not going to do that again,"

"Mhm," You stare into his eyes. He leans again and this time you don't push him away, you let it happen. His lips finally meet yours, they mould together like they were perfectly made for each other. Colson pulls away and rests his forehead on your, breathing heavily. Your eyes dart back and forth from each of his. He moves back and gets under the blanket, only to grab your waist and pull you as close as possible. You get comfortable and feel your eyes close once again. 

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