03| arrived

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Annika regretted shoving down the cap deep inside her luggage when the sun above her head beamed brightly

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Annika regretted shoving down the cap deep inside her luggage when the sun above her head beamed brightly. After whole two hours of journey to reach the deck, Annika felt her muscles tighten. She had tried to sleep in the car but in vain when the traffic of Mumbai and the bumpy road did not allow her to shut her eyes close more than a minute. Sighing, she grabbed the scarf from the suitcase which hopefully she had kept on the top.

"Where the hell are these people?" Aryan muttered, the three were standing in the sun, waiting for their friends to arrive. "What about Rhea? Where is she?" Ayaan asked with a smirk on his face, teasing Aryan. "Right, it's my time to kick you ass and bring back some sense into you. So listen my dear brother, don't you dare tell Maa and Dad that Rhea was on this trip and do not mention alcohol"

"What made you think I would tell this to Maa and Dad? Chikoo, did you thought like this too?" Ayaan asked with a pout on his face. Annika's attention was drawn towards his older brother's voice. She couldn't understand how at times he would whine like a baby while at otger times, he would act like a grown up, mature person. "Ayaan and Aryan Bhaiya, this is not the place or the time to fight" She complained, looking around herself to spot the group of friends among the hundreds of people.

"There she is, hey, Rhea" Annika saw Aryan glowing like a Christmas tree and it did was a sight to see. The only three faces Aryan had was a grumpy one, an angry face and a smiling one but watching him have a totally different expression was enjoyable. "He is head over heels in love with her" Ayaan muttered as he stood beside Annika, the two them were gazing at Aryan and Rhea.

The next thing Annika knew was they were kissing, in public. Ayaan had his eyes wide open by now, he coughed loudly while his hand went to cover Annika's eyes. "Don't want my innocent sister to hand nightmares now, do we?"

"Ayaan Bhaiya, it's nothing I haven't seen or - " She trailed off, words stuck in her throat. Ayaan's eyes softened when he saw Annika with a dejected face, it hurt him to see his sister this way. So he moved ahead and engulfed her into a tight hug. Ayaan couldn't believe that the atmosphere had changed from cheerful to weepy. "Sometimes, it's alright to let go. Nothing happens without a reason and I am sure that soon you will find someone who would make you the happiest in this world"

With a smile Ayaan said. He knew his sister was still heartbroken with what happened four years ago, she was still hurting. "Aryan, if you are done romancing, can we look for the gang?" Shouted Ayaan gaining Rhea's as well as Aryan's attention who was glaring back at him. "Why are you shouting? Do you wanna make everyone around here hear what you are saying now?"

"If you hadn't been sucking her face out, I wouldn't have shouted" Ayaan muttered slowly but Rhea's face turned red as soon as she heard Ayaan's words. "Ayaan, shut up" Frustrated Aryan said. Annika who was watching them silently moved ahead to extend her arm in front of Rhea. "Annika, the younger sister of these two dumb brothers"

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