Chapter One

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"Alex. Alex honey time to wake up" I heard my mum's soft voice say as she walked into my room, then she sat beside me on the bed and shook me awake slowly.

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times adjusting to the light. "Good morning mum" I said rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "Go get dressed before breakfast" she smiled warmly at me then left the room closing the door behind her.

I got up and walked into the bathroom, after a shower and brushing my teeth, I  walked back into the room and made my bed before going to my closet. I scanned through a few items for a few minutes before settling on something simple, a pair of black skinny jeans, a plain white t-shirt and my white convers all star.

Today was going to be my first day at  Ravenwood University. My parents and I had just relocated to Ravenwood  a few weeks ago, my father had just gotten a promotion so we had to up and leave saying goodbye to Miami. So you can see why I wanted to make a good impression, not that it mattered  what people thought of me though. My parents always thought me that appearance matters and the way you present yourself is important.

With that in mind I sat down at my dressing table and ran a brush through my unruly hair. I quickly pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and decided to skip the makeup.

I grabbed my phone and backpack then rushed downstairs. "Morning" I said to my father as I  walked into the kitchen, I popped a slice of bread into the toaster the grabbed a bowl and got some cereal. After I was done with the cereal I poured myself a cup of coffee and sipped on it as I waited for my toast, I always eat a proper breakfast seeing as it is the most important meal of the day.

"You ready?" Dad asked finishing of his coffee and placing the cup in the sink. "Yep" I grabbed my stuff and had my slice of toast in my hand as I made my way to the front door. "Bye mum" I called munching on my toast, "bye guys see you later and have a good day" she called back from somewhere in the house. I didn't have a car even though I'm just starting college but I do have my drivers licence, considering this day and age who really needs a car. But that's not the reason I don't have one, I was actually saving up my money to buy myself a car. So for now I had to get to where I needed with my dad, luckily for me I didn't leave the house much either.

By the time dad pulled up to the entrance I had fished my toast, I got my backpack and opened the door getting out. "Bye dad thanks for the ride" I said as I slung my bag onto my shoulders, "no problem have a good day and don't forget to text your mother when you're done" he said then drove off.

I watched silently as he drove away, then I looked around and took in my surroundings. People pouring in through the front gates and cars pulling up to the parking lot. Some were strolling in others rushed to lectures with coffee in their hands. This was going to be me for the next few years.

I pulled out my phone and pulled up my timetable, my first lecture was at 8 am sharp. I checked the time to see it was 7:30 am so I decided to get a head start finding my lecture halls. After a few minutes I had no luck finding the hall. I gorned leaning against the wall to one of the buildings and trying to check the hall number again.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked. I looked up to see a girl with light brown hair and Hazel eyes, she was beautiful. "I'm sorry you had to hear that" I blushed, "that's okay. You look like you could use some help" she giggled. "Um...I'm new and I can't seem to find my lecture hall" I said looking down embarrassed.

"Here let me have a look" I handed her my phone and she looked through the timetable before handing it back to me. "All your classes are in that building over there, after that it's easy to find your classes if you have a problem ask around" she said with a smile and pointing to the building.

"Thank you" I said then we parted ways. Luckily I got to my lecture on time. I was currently doing a one year course in events management, just something to fall back on after that I don't know where life was going to take me. I could continue studying or I could work or start up my own business the possibilities were endless.

The Story Of The Villan Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora