Chapter Ten

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The next morning we got up around 10 am, Cami's parents had already left for work but not before making us breakfast. After a shower and a hot meal Cami drove me back home.

A few weeks had passed by and all four of us have become closer, Erick and I more so. He actually greets me and contributes to our conversations now. We are not exactly best friends but we are close friends. 

It was a warm Saturday afternoon, I was lying on my bed bored out of my wits. I looked out my bedroom window and saw the wind brushing through the trees and the way the the sun started to set.

I got off my bed pulled my sneakers on and grabbed some money and my phone. "Hey mum I'll be back in about an hour just gonna head to the park" I shouted to her as I left the house, "Okay be safe" came her reply.

In the neighbourhood we lived in the park was just down the road for all the kids to use. I plugged in my ear phones and played some music as I walked down to road. I smiled at the kids playing hockey on the street and the mum's sitting in lawn chairs in the front of thier houses sipping ice tea.

It was really a beautiful day. When I got to the park, I sat on a vacant bench and watched all the kids playing and people feeding the ducks. I pulled off my earphones and just lived in the moment. These are the moments we feel most alive in.

"Beautiful isn't it?" A voice asked, I turned to my right and there was a man around his early thirties in a crisp black suit with a white shirt. He sat down next to me. The man had blonde hair and piercing green eyes.

"Yes it is" I said warily and moved closer to the side of the bench. "My  name is Colten Hayes, FBI"  he looked forward at two kids feeding the ducks, as he pulled out his badge. "I didn't do anything" I emotionlessly replied, "I know that Alexandra" he said turning to look at me.

"How do you know my name?" I asked shocked, "didn't you hear what I just said? I'm FBI I know everything."

"I know you just moved here, you live with both your parents, your father is a well known lawyer, you are majoring in event management and coordination. And for the cheery on top you made friends with some very suspicious people haven't you" he stated matter of factly.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, I was scared now, it didn't matter that this guy was FBI it was still very alarming that he knew all those things about me. "Now you're asking the right questions" he gave me a wink.

"A few weeks ago an in formant of ours saw you at a club with with Romeo and Erick Dream..."

"Yeah they're my friends, so?" I asked cutting him off, "my dear those boys don't just go around making friends with everyone. So we were shocked when we finally saw them interacting with someone who isn't from their circle."

"I don't understand a word you are saying right now" I said frustrated. "We have reason to believe that the boys are in an organised crime syndicate and are running an underground fighting ring" he said simply as if he were talking about the weather.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" I blurted. "Unfortunately I'm not. We tried getting Camellia to help us but she either does not know what they are into or she's very loyal" he explained. "That can't be Cami would never..." I cut myself off thinking about  Romeo's car and the brand new car he bought for Cami.

"I don't believe you" I said looking him dead in the eyes, "I figured you would say that" he smiled at me. "I'm not believing a word you say until I can see some cold hard evidence" I said. "I'll leave that to you darling, considering the new information I just told you, I suggest you look for the little things. I'll give you one week to think about it and I'll see you here same place next weekend" he then got up and left me.

I sat looking at the sunset but I didn't have time appreciate it with the whirlwind of thoughts going through my head. I thought back to the time I've spent with Cami and the boys.

Cami was so open and bubbly, Romeo was sweet and caring even though he didn't know me, Erick was a bit closed off at first but we're friends now. Could this stranger actually be telling the truth? The cars they drive, Erick being closed off and protective of the people around him, and what about that fight at the mall with the other group of guys? Was that a rival gang?

I needed more evidence and the coming week I would be the most observant to get the answers that I needed.

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