Chapter Sixteen

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We had decided that it was not right to let anyone sleep on the couch so Cami and I shared a bed while the guys took the other room. That way everyone slept comfortably.

I was suddenly awakened from my sleep because of a dry throat, we had spent so much  energy at the beach, I had to get up to drink some water. I reached over to the side table and opened my water bottle gulping down the water before setting it back down.

It was actually quite hot in the room, I moved the covers away gently trying not to wake Cami up. I was wearing a pair of grey sleeping shorts and a white vest, but my body was still over heating.  A thin layer of sweat covering my entire body.

I got off the bed and opened the window letting the cool ocean breeze in. I sat on the window sil, looking at the waves crashing against the shore. Another thing I could not get out of my head was my almost kiss with Erick, did he really like me? Or was it just in the moment? After stopping him now I would find out, if he was interested then he would try to get to know me, if he wasn't and it was just in the moment then he wouldn't try to get to know me.

I sighed. I wanted to kiss him, I want to get to know him better, and I think I actually really like him.

"Be quiet you'll wake them up" a voice cut my thoughts off, I got up and walked to the bedroom door that was slightly cracked open and peeped through. The living room was dark but I clearly saw two figures moving quietly towards the door. "They won't it's too early, now let's go" the other figure said.

The figures moved to the front door and opened it, I covered my mouth to hide the gasp that slipped through my lips. The lights from the hallway flooded the room and illuminated the figures, it was Erick and Romeo. Before I could make any move they walked through the door and shut it behind them.

Where were they going? I quickly pulled on a pair of sweat pants that was laying on my bag and a hoodie, then my sneakers, grabbing my phone and some money I rushed out of the hotel room.

When I reached the elevator I saw that they had taken it to the ground floor. There was no time to wait for the elevator to come back up so I took the stairs, it was much easier then taking the stairs up, but my legs still hurt by the time I got to the lobby.

I saw them get into Romeo's car and drive away, I ran out of the hotel seeing the car zoom away. "Need a ride miss?" A taxi parked in front of me, "Yes" I said ripping the door open and jumping in. "Whoa! What's the hurry?" The guys asked, "quick follow that Mercedes" I pointed at Romeo's car.

"Don't get too close" I said as we tailed them, "What are you a cop or something?" He asked looking at me through the rear view mirror. "Or something" I mumbled, we followed the car all the way to the docks.

"Stay here I'll be back in a minute" I said getting out of the cab, "I can't do that I got work to do" the driver complained, "I'll pay you double" I said shutting the door and ducking behind a stack of palates.

The guys parked the car  next to some other cars and got out, Romeo was wearing a grey suit pants with a waist coat and had his sleeves rolled up. Erick had on a pair of black sweat pants and a matching black hoodie with the hood up covering his face.

They walked to a circle of people that stood in front of a ship, one man standing on top of a stack of palates. "Rom finally" the man greeted the guys as they approached and he shook their hands.

"Okay people things just got a lot more interesting" the guy said, "my star is here, so that means all bets are on the table as of now."

"I got 1000" Someone shouted.

"I got 2000"

"3000" Another said.

"Okay I'm gonna have to cut it off at 100,000. Now if you still wanna make a bet go see my lady over there and place your bets" he said pointing to a blonde women who stood in the corner.

"So I've got a 100k on a Ricky vs Wall fight. Ladies and gentlemen please head in and take your seats" the man said. Everyone dispersed and went into an abandoned warehouse.

I followed after keeping my hood up and putting my head down. "Are you a fighter?" A big looking security guard asked stopping me at the entrance, "no just here to watch" I said keeping my voice emotionless and even.

"Five bucks to watch, pay the lady" he said motioning with his head to the same blonde lady who sat at a table next to the entrance a laptop and a money box in front of her. I gave her the money and then went in.

I walked in to this huge warehouse. There were bleachers and seats surrounding  the whole area, and in the middle was an MMA style cadge.

"Ladies and gentlemen if you could all take your seats please" an announcer said into a mic. I went to the bleachers and sat at the second row towards the edge, in case I had to make a run for it.

"Good evening and welcome, for tonight we have a very special guest. The first fight is Wall vs Ricky!" I noticed that it was the same guy who was taking bets outside. And all the people who where placing those bets sat on chairs in front of the ring.

The lights went dim and everyone went quiet. "Introducing the defender, our local bulldozer,  weighing over 210 pounds of pure steel and standing at 6 foot 10. I give you WALL!" music started to play and the crowed shouted in excitement.

A tall man with bulging muscles walked into the ring with an angry look on his face. I definitely understood why they called him wall.

"And the challenger, gracing our ring tonight, weighing 198 pounds and standing 6 feet 7, RICKY!" The lights dimed music blasted through the speakers.

And out walked Erick with Romeo behind him.

The Story Of The Villan حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن