Chapter Three

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The next day my mum woke me up as usual and I got ready then my dad drove me to campus.

As I was saying bye to my dad I noticed Cami and the brood from yesterday getting out of a slick silver Mercedes. I didn't think much of it and turned on my way to the entrance.

"Hey Alex! Wait up" I turned to see Cami running behind me. "Hey" I greeted as she fell into step with me, "hi there, what a morning" she replied  adjusting her bag then her hair. "Aren't you waiting for your friend?" I asked pointing in the direction of the brood who was leaning into the front passenger side of the car talking to the driver. "Nah he can walk on his own" she brushed me off, "oh okay" I replied.

"So what time do you have lunch today?" She asked, I pulled up my phone to make sure I was telling her the right time. "12:30 just like yesterday and every other day for the week" I replied. "Oh cool I have the same lunch time. What time is your last lecture?" I pulled my phone to my face checking again. "Around 2 eish" I replied putting my phone in my pocket.

"Aw I thought we could leave together but it looks like I'll be able to have lunch with you everyday. I don't have any classes after lunch and usually leave around then but I'll hang out with you" she explained. "Wow you would seriously do that?" I asked surprised since I just met her yesterday and she was sacrificing her time for me now. "Yeah and we really need to hang out after campus too. Maybe on the weekend, go to the mall or something" she said.

"Yeah sure but I gotta go now see you during lunch" I said waving as we parted ways and I walked to my lectures.

Before I knew it, it was already lunch time. As I entered the cafeteria my eyes scanned the place for Cami, "Alex over here" she shouted. My eyes finally settled on her at the same table we sat at yesterday, I sent her a smile as I made my way over.

My steps stumbled a little as the table came into full view and I could see the brood sat next to her with the most spine chilling glare on he's face. I shook the chills off and kept walking, "hey" I greeted setting my stuff on the table and pulling out my lunch from home.

"Hey how's your day going so far" Cami asked casually as she ate her chips. I gave a quick look between her and the brood who was on his phone. "Well so far so good" I shrug taking a bite if my sandwich. "So I was thinking" Cami started, "that we should hang out this weekend. If you're free of course" she says enthusiastically.

"Um... yeah that sounds good. What do you wanna do?" I asked eyeing the brood who had not said a word to me or Cami. I couldn't help but stare at him, up close he was actually very good looking. He had black hair, tan skin and his body was well defined you could see the hours he put into the gym show on his body. He felt my eyes on him and he looked up and we made eye contact for a brief moment, it was long enough for me to see his eyes.

They were grey with hints of blue in them and totally mesmerising. I looked away quickly and focused on Cami trying to suppress the blush on my cheeks. "I don't know. I was thinking maybe dinner and a movie or maybe a girls night?" Cami asked. "It's a date" I said smiling at her.

"Okay let's exchange numbers so we can plan better" she said and we handed each other our phones. Cami opened her mouth to say something else when the nameless brood shot up with his phone to his ear and grabbed his bag, heading for the exit not sparing any of us a second glance.

Cami sighed, "I gotta go but I'll text you later. Bye" she said take her things and following him. "Bye" I said after her, I started to get my own things together and checked the time to see it was almost time for my next lecture.

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