Chapter Thirty

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The whole way home I didn't say a word to Cami, and she didn't push to ask what had happened. I admired her for that, she gave me my space as I walked in the house and went straight to my room.

I sobbed when I saw the wall and my door had returned to normal, as if it was all just a dream, as if he was just a dream. I stayed in my room until I heard my dad's car pull up to the house.

I quickly got up and rushed downstairs, acting normal, I walked into the living room and my heart broke more when I saw that Cami had took our fort and down and packed everything away, she even put the couchs back in place. That just proved more to me that this had all been a bitter sweet dream.

Cami saw the look on my face and she gave me a reassuring smile, I sat next to her on the couch just as my mother walked through the door. "Hey baby" she said and gave me a tight hug, she didn't know it but her hug was just what I needed at that moment. "I was so worried about you" she said stroking the back of my head, "I'm fine mum, as you can see" I said forcing a smile on my face.

"Well I'm out, I'll text you later" Cami said and walked out the door, after mum was sure that I was fine she let me go. Even though I had lied to her and there was no evidence, she somehow knew something was up and it showed in the way she kept hovering over me.

I chatted with them for a bit asking how their trip was before I went back to my room to drown in self pity, I switched my phone off and took the time to myself. I got all the junk food that Erick and I hadn't finished and brought it up to my room, I kept the door and the curtains closed and played all the sad movies I could find on my laptop.

Eating junk and crying it out, the best way to fix my problems.

Two weeks had gone by and I was getting better but was still under the weather. I hadn't seen Erick since our fight at his house, even if he was on campus I wouldn't know because I haven't seen him. I avoided Cami too, went straight to lectures or sat in the library, even during lunch time. She had called and texted me multiple times, even Romeo did, but they weren't the ones I needed to speak to at the moment.

I was not ready to call him, when I would be I don't know? Would I even call him? I don't know that either.

It was a Friday afternoon and I just got home, I had been using an uber to get around. "Mum I'm home" I said walking through the door, "Honey come here, there someone we want you to meet" she called back.

I went to the living room and saw my parents and another man sitting on the couch. "Honey this is an old friend, Colten Hayes" she said and the man looked up at me making eye contact, a slight smirk that only I noticed on his face. I froze, how was this guy in my house? I hope he doesn't tell my parents anything about Erick.

"Colten this is our daughter Alexandra" mum introduced, Colten got up and stepped forward holding his hand out to me, his movements as sly as a fox. "It's good to see you again Alexandra, look how much you've grown" he gave me a cheeky smile.

"How long has it been, 10 years?" He asked looking back at mum, who just nodded and smiled. I took his hand and shook it because my parents had been watching, "it's nice to meet you Mr Hayes" I said with a forced smile on my face. He was the last person I needed to see right now with all the problems I already have going on.

"Please, call me Colten" he said then let go of my hand, "I'm gonna head to my room now" I looked at my mother and said this, "I'll give you five minutes then you come back to help me in the kitchen" she instructed. I turned and ran up, helping her in the kitchen only meant that he was staying for diner.

I threw my stuff on my bed and then went back down and into the kitchen. I distracted myself by keeping busy but didn't help because my newest problem was sitting in front of me. At some point he had gone out to the back yard, "Here take this to uncle Colten" my mother said shoving a tray into my hands with a glass and pitcher full of ice tea on it.

"Here" I said offering the drink, he took the glass and I set down the tray, "thanks" he said. "Look I don't know what game you're playing by coming into my home" I started, "Relax Alexandra, we are not barbarians. I actually do know your parents and I have a long history with them" he said taking a sip of his drink.

"Why are you here then?" I asked impatiently, "I know you have information on the boys, Alexandra" he said. "What makes you think that?" I asked crossing my arms in front of me, "I know for a fact my dear. I know some men where shooting at you" he said smoothly.

"Let's have dinner then we can discuss the details later" he said turning and going back into the house. I followed after him, then started to make a dash for my room but the door bell rang.

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