Chapter Four

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The week went on the same. Cami would meet me at the entrance and then we would walk in together, then at lunch we would sit and chat. The nameless brood tagging along and still not saying a word. And after I got home we would text each other for hours on end.

I think it's safe to say we have become close friends and I also got to know a lot about her. Her dream was to take over the restaurant and open more chains across the county, she lived with both her father and mother. She had two older siblings and one younger one, and a boyfriend who's not in our university or any university for that matter.

It was now Saturday afternoon and I was currently getting ready for my girls night out with Cami. I changed into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a white and pink floral top and white flat pumps. I decided to be fancy and straightened my curly hair then applied makeup.

I grabbed one of my handbags and put my wallet, keys, tissue, sanitizer, a tube of lipstick and my phone into it. I heard my phone buzz with a notification then the door bell rang, no doubt it was Cami. I rushed downstairs to open the door.

"Hey" she greeted with a big smile hugging me, "hey come in" I said stepping to the side and opening the door wider.

"Nice place" she said looking around, "thanks, my parents are in the living room" I say leading her in.

"Mum and dad this is my friend from college. These are my parents" I said introducing them. Both my parents stood up to greet her, "hello my name is Camellia but you can call me Cami" she said shaking both their hands. "It's such a pleasure to meet you Alex talks a lot about you. I'm Emily" mum said giving her a warm smile.

"So you girls are in the same college. What's your major dear?" Dad asked making conversation with her. "I'm a business management major" she replied smoothly. "Oh that's great" Dad said beaming at her, "so what are you girls planning for the night?" Mum asked.

"Oh first we're going to have dinner at my family's restaurant, my parents are dying to met Alex. Then we'll go for a movie or something" she replied. "Yeah I guess we better get going then" I chipped in pulling Cami to the door. "Bye see you guys later" I said opening the front door.

"Bye girls be safe and don't be a stranger Cami" mum yelled as we walked out. "Your parents are great, very understanding" she said as we walked to her car, Cami drove a red mini cooper. "Yeah they seem to really like you too" I say getting in and putting my seat belt on.

"So why don't you drive your own car to college?" I couldn't help but ask, "that's because I just got this car and my boyfriend insists on driving me and picking me up himself" she replied. "Oh so that's his car that drops you off every morning" I mumbled to myself but she heard me.

"Yeah he's like loaded but he's not old. Please I'm not into the whole sugar daddy thing that's gross. He's actually only 22" she said quickly, I just nodded dropping the topic. We pulled into the parking and got out, I looked around and saw a lot of cars parked around us. This place must really be popular, I looked up and on the front of the building in big red letters was the sign that read "RICO'S."

I silently walked in behind Cami. The place was in gold and red, with glossy wooden tables. It looked very homey and the smell of the food made my mouth water and stomach  grumble. "Come this way my folks are in the office" she said leading me to the kitchen.

Along both sides of the walls were booths and in the middle where tables scattered all around. There where many different people around, people on dates, family's having dinner together and groups of young people hanging out having milkshakes.

Cami greeted the waiters as she walked to the back where the office was and pushed the office door open. Two people sat in the office, one of them a man with black hair and hazle  eyes that matched Cami's, he was medium height. The women had light brown hair and was short and petite just like Cami.

"Hey this is my friend Alex I told you about. My folks" Cami said casually. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Camellia talks very highly about you" her mother said awaking up and pulling me into a tight hug. I noticed a bit of an accent in her voice, "it's nice to met you too" I said pulling away and shaking hands with her father.

"Okay let's go. We'll be in the dinning room if you need us" Cami said pulling me out like I had done to her at my house. She lead us to one of the booths in the back of the restaurant right by the big glass window that over looked mountains and trees, the view was beautiful as the sun was setting.

We sat down and I picked up a menu, "so what do you think we should get?" I asked looking through the different dishes my mouth watered even more. "How about I surprise you?" Cami asked excitedly. I placed my menu down and nodded skeptically.

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