Way 7: Russian Roulette

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A/n: major trigger warning. Like, you might want to skip if you can't handle it. And Victor Crabtree is a made up character. 

Well, it had been three months. And Kellin was gone again. But this time, he'd been kidnapped. 

And now? Well, he had a gun pointed at my forehead. And his kidnapper, Victor Crabtree, had a gun pointed at the back of his head. "Pull the trigger, or I shoot you to death. One bullet. One squeeze. And you're out like a light, " He threatened Kellin. 

I had my hands up in surrender, but listening to anyone talk to Kellin like that almost set me off. I was in no position to attack. I was in no position to scream at him. I was in no position to fight back. But I wanted to. Holy hell, I wanted to. 

If I said anything, it would echo throughout the metal garage that we were in. If there was an echo, Kellin would be caught with the gun. I can't have him go anywhere except back home with me. I knew that Victor would disappear as soon as things looked bleak for him. And if I screamed, things would look bleak. 

Kellin pointed the gun at my arm. If it hit my arm, I'd be okay. I'd live with some stitches and that would be that. "Vic! " He cried. He was already crying. And I'm not talking a few tears of fear. I mean, his face was soaked from tears and sweat. There was a puddle of them at his feet. His eyes were puffy and red. And some of his shirt was wet from them too. 

"No! He can't save you now. Shoot him! " Victor yelled at Kellin. 

"It'll be okay, Kells, " I whispered. "I can save you from this, I promise. " 

"His head, not his arm. " 

"But-" Kellin protested, only to be cut off by the sound of gunfire above him. Victor had shot at the roof, and, holy hell, was it loud. 

"Do it, or I kill you! " Victor threatened further. 

"Vic-" He pleaded. 

"I'll be okay, Kells, " I reassured him. I could dodge a bullet or two. I knew for a fact that neither gun was completely loaded. 

"Don't you get it! I kill you, or I die! You will not be okay!" He screamed. 

Victor fired his gun at the roof again. And Kellin flinched. "Stop it, " I said without thinking. 

"Excuse me? " Victor snapped. 

"Stop it, you're scaring him, " I said again. I don't know what I was doing. I just knew that Kellin was terrified, and I wanted to help him. 

"Maybe I should just kill both of you then. " I took the moment to run forward and take the gun out of Kellin's hands. I pointed it against Victor's head and restrained his gun with my other hand. If he pulled the trigger, he would blow a hole through his chin. 

I was breathing heavily. What do I do now? Kill him? 

My question was answered for me when a loud rapping came from the garage door. "Police! Open up!" Someone shouted from the other end. Victor struggled against my grip. 

Kellin ran over to the button that opened the garage door and opened it. Three men in uniform with guns in their hands were standing at the door. "Drop your weapons!" They ordered. I pried the gun from Victor's hand and dropped my own, not letting him go. "You're all coming with us, " They said and I walked over to them, letting them take hold of Victor. I hugged Kellin tight. 

"I promise it's going to be okay, " I whispered in his ear. We held hands tightly all of the way to the car, and were pushed into the back seat with Victor. Kellin trembled with fear against me. If anyone was going to jail for this, it would be me. And if that crazy guy was let loose, heaven only knows what would happen to Kellin. I squeezed his hand once more to reassure him, and then wrapped my arm around his shoulders. I gently guided his head down to rest it on my shoulder. 

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