Way 40: Run Free (Part 2)

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I started going down the chain again and found that my palms really enjoyed slipping against the overheated metal. It was bad enough that this chain was so hot from the sun shining down directly onto it, but I was so afraid of falling that my deathly tight grip was hurting me more than helping. It also didn't help that I was the first one out. Kellin and Justin were moving significantly faster than I was. While I'd learned my lesson from the first time I almost fell to my death, which ironically enough is precisely what I'm trying to escape in the first place, it didn't help that Justin and Kellin kept shouting at me to keep moving. I wasn't daydreaming, I was just kind of afraid of falling. Despite being almost halfway down the clock tower, we were still really high up. 

I decided to stop looking down to see how close to the ground we were after about the fifth time that I did that. I'm not afraid of heights usually, but it's different when the only thing that's keeping you up is a single chain. It occurred to me in that moment that Avery had not come out of the clock tower. If they were waiting for their chance, then they'd have come out of the tower a long time ago. I climbed down faster with a new sense of fear that Annabel had woken up. Hopefully Avery was good with a knife. Maybe if we were lucky they could cut Annabel enough to keep her stationary while they ran away. I really hoped that they managed to get away. For their sake, of course. It'd be great if they could find that man that they loved so much again. Maybe their story would have a happy ending.

I sure as hell know that mine won't. 

Once I had finally gotten within three feet of the ground, I let go of the chain and fell to the ground. I patted myself down to make sure that nothing had fallen out of any of my pockets, and was fairly surprised to see that my phone was still on me. I guess when you're bound to the ground and drugged, it's pointless to confiscate something that a you wouldn't physically be able to use.  Kellin jumped down soon after. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking me over. I waited all but two seconds before jumping into his arms. 

"I was so afraid. I thought that I was going to- Or you- Where's Avery?"

Kellin hugged me back tightly and stroked my hair. "It's alright, Viccy. You're safe now. And we're playing the last show tonight. They I'll come home to you. Everything will be right back to normal soon."

"Avery's not coming. They said that they had some unfinished business to take care of with Annabel," Justin called while he fell to the ground. He touched down, sticking the landing like a gymnast. I resisted the urge to clap.

"Are they going to be okay?" I asked with concern.

"Avery? Oh, yeah. They're definitely a tough one. Wouldn't want to get into a fight with them," Justin said lightheartedly. "Now, let's get on with it, shall we? The faster that we get away from this damned place, the sooner we'll be in the clear."

"You're right. Let's go," Kellin said, taking my hand.

"You guys can go out to France. I'll be taking a plane back home if you'd let me," I said, waving as I stepped farther away from them. 

 "Yeah, okay. I'll see you tomorrow," Kellin said. He looked around and saw a group of squealing girls coming running towards us. 

I ran away from the scene before they could catch me. I had to get a ticket out of here ASAP. I ran and ran to the airport, not getting recognized because I was running so quickly. In airport security however, this was not the case. I had to take pictures and do autographs for at least ten minutes before I could actually sit down and wait for my flight. Thankfully, there weren't that many people on the flight back New York City at two in the afternoon. From there I'd have to take another flight back to San Diego. I couldn't get one directly there. 

Once I was on the plane, I sighed with relief and took the uncomfortable, blue, fabric seat in the middle that I'd bought a ticket for. I could endure hours of screaming  babies if it meant that I was alive to say the very least. 

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