Way 31: Finding Said Death Note

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Kellin POV:

It had been a long time since I'd last heard from Vic. I don't say this lightly, for the tour had finally commenced and we were nearing the end of it. I hadn't gotten so much as a voicemail or text message. I know that I said that I was busy, but the very least that he could do is remind me that he's still alive. Or that he misses me. Or that he's waiting for me. 

But no, there's nothing. There isn't so much a single word to be said between us. It's a rather sad predicament in all honesty. I know that he's upset about me cheating on him with him knowing about it, but he could at least cut out with the silent treatment.

I called him once more, but his phone went to voicemail. Why isn't he even answering it? I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. I know that it's all my fault, but I really hope that he'll find it in his heart to eventually forgive me for all of this. If only he could know the truth, the whole truth, the real story. What really happened that night. 

Then again, maybe it's better that he doesn't know. They always do say that what people don't know won't kill them. I'm starting to believe that that's really not true though. For example, I have not a single idea what's going on with Vic, and that's damn near killing me. He doesn't know the truth about me, and that clearly kills him. 

So, to rewrite some rules here, what people don't know can and most definitely will in fact kill them. No matter what anyone else tells you. And if they don't agree, try to keep a secret from them. Just wait and watch, they'll agree with you with some time. 

Justin put his hand on my shoulder. "I have a concern, " He whispered to me. He gestured to the back lounge. It was pretty early in the morning, so no one else was up yet, but the back is always more private. I stood up slowly, unable to keep my confusion from showing on my face. "Have you heard from Vic lately? " He asked. 

I shook my head. "Not so much as a breath. Why? " 

"Well, Jaime went over to his house, worried because he hadn't heard from him, and found a note. " He pulled up a message on his phone. In an image there was a note in Vic's handwriting. I squinted as I read it closely. 

Who was watching him? What did he mean code? I read some of the nonsense, writing it down as I did. 

j'n gjof

So please, please svo!

hfu bxbz!

The place where the time is right in the home of the Beatles. 

What the hell does this mean? Oh my God, who wants to kill him? What does he mean he knows everything? My lip quivered at the last line. Jesus Christ, someone was trying to kill him. "What do those letters mean? " I asked. 

"Maybe it's just code for something. " 

"What did he try to write that he thought that no one else should be able to read? " I wondered allowed. This takes danger to a whole new level. 

"Try rearranging the letters. "

After about two hours of anagrams, Justin and I finally decided that this code was definitely not an anagram. "What if he's just using different letters? " I ventured. 

"It's worth a shot. " He bent over the paper. "Try one letter after it. " 

K'o hkpg 

"Well that doesn't make any sense, " I concluded. 

"What about.... One letter before it. " 

I'm fine. 

So please, please run! 

Get away! 

I looked up and felt a new sense of fear within me. They were coming for me next, weren't they? They knew he'd try to get me to save him. "Justin, " I began. 

"What's wrong? " 

"This whole thing just turned into way more than I bargained for. " 

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