Chapter - 01

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Near the border of Iran in a quaint little house, a lady dancer rings a bell. Through a small peephole, her whereabouts are evaluated. As soon as she answers, the door is opened wide and she is asked to change and join the men in the room at the back. The man's eyes look bloodshot and his face is covered by the other end of his turban. He roams his hands over her body making the guise of searching her. He grabs her intimately but she doesn't react then he directs her to the said room.

She changes to her shiny bell bottoms and a little top that barely covers her. She removes the rug laid down and retrieves the black item that could help her escape. She puts on the veil meant to cover her face. As she leaves the room and walks through the small passage, a bellboy exits through the adjacent door. They walk side by side, she looks around to confirm that no one was watching, three men are busy guarding the door and she can see the shadow of more men coming from the creek of the door in front. She taps thrice on the exposed hand of the bellboy and he taps back four times. Nodding her head she stands behind him.

The bellboy raps on the door. It is promptly opened by another man who has his face covered in a similar way. His long beard pokes through his mask and he mutters something in a foreign language. He grabs her by her waist sneering at their prey for the evening. The bellboy quietly serves the men tea from the teapot. There are 5 men in total all armed with guns. Her eyes roam around still holding the veil close. In the corner lay a man whimpering. There are scars on his head and over his body. His hands and feet are cuffed to the chair and then to the heavy iron rack beside.

The man's grip tightened as he whispers something vile in her ear pulling out the veil roughly. She bends down in the center taking her starting position for her dance which would have ended with men pouncing on her. Out of the corner of her eye she signals the bellboy. He trips and the hot teapot overturns on the man's lap. The man screams in pain scream grabs the bellboy's throat leaving his gun behind. The four others are still carrying their guns which are now pointing to the bellboy. She promptly takes out the guns hidden in her bell bottoms. Two shots find their way to the heads of two men, the third one faster than the others ducts behind the sofa. The bellboy removes the pistol from his jacket and shoots two of them injuring one. Both of them take cover. Shots fire from all sides as men guarding the door rush in.

She signals the boy to cover her as she moves slowly to rescue their hostage. The Hostage whimpers again now more alive than before. She looks around to find the keys to get him out of the bounds and sees them dangling from the hands of the man lying dead in the center. She reaches for another weapon and notices an axe on the mantle. A bullet fires and she misses just by an inch. She fires back now more furious than before yet keeping calm for the sake of the man bound. Grabbing the axe she gives three blows but the cuffs don't budge she was desperate to free him and run, now that the men must be asking for backup. She gives a single blow to the chair the wood shatters freeing the man's legs. Similarly, she frees his hands. The cuff tied to the rack takes more than 10 blows. Finally free the man takes a wobbly step ahead she holds his head down just in time as a bullet hits the wall behind him. The bell boy shoots killing the man standing in the door. The only man left doesn't resign and she fires shots in his direction, he ducts again. His coal black eyes are on her as they leave the room. She notices blood oozing from the arm of her partner. She signals him to take the man to the front door where her car is parked.

The only man left inches closer to the door as they enter the car. Multiple shots are fired showering her car with bullets. She takes the wheel barely letting them enter and speeds on. The man speaks on his phone calling for backup and they realize soon they will be chased by more. The man with the coal black eyes drives faster, the Sedan being dangerously close to them. She increases her speed her small car whirring down the door. Shots are fired again she looks back to find three more Sedans behind them. She tells her partner to remove the guns from under the seat. The hostage quickly ties a cloth around his rescuer temporarily containing the bleeding. She tells them to keep their heads down and fire continuously, not allowing the enemy to be too close as she herself ducks and drives through the screams of people.

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