Chapter- 05

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Anna's POV

"So what do you think?"

"It was definitely the alcohol."

He laughed.

" Well then you should drink more, come on its just a date"

" Can I think about it?"

I mean you can say that right, even if the guy in front of you is totally gorgeous and the entire female community ogles him with every chance they get.

" Sure, if you do decide, then meet me at the Coffee house at 6.00 pm ".
" I'll be waiting," he said and winked.

I gave him an awkward smile.

My phone rang,

" James"

" You sound........flustered? That's a first."

" I DO NOT SOUND FLUSTERED, taken aback would be more like it, a guy just asked me on a date.''

" Already?! You go girl." He whistled.

" James," I said in that tone.

" Ok back to business, I searched the database. Your princi and Mr. Miguel, the janitor don't have anything in their records so I had to go a lot farther, seems like they both were very close friends back in Russia and Mr.Tanner helped Miguel get out of prison, the charges are not specified which is....... odd. Mr.Tanner hired Miguel against the judgment of the board so I feel it can be something you could investigate."

" Yeah, anyway this is the only lead I have so far. Send Charlie the details."

"Will do," he said ending the call.

I looked around everyone was going back to class.

I searched the hallways until I saw the person I was looking for. Miguel had an oversized sandwich in his hand, the sauce made its way down his chin which he wiped off to his shirt sleeve unceremoniously.

"What are you doing here?"

I turned around swiftly. I glanced at the round woman, her thin silver hair was curled and her pudgy feet peeked from her knee high skirt, she looked extremely bored and dull. Her name tag had Head Librarian written in pale letters.

" I'm new.........I got lost, can you guide me to hall 3?"

"This way ", she pointed and my gaze caught on her ring. It wasn't a normal ring, it was a thin serpent curled around her finger.

" Thank you," I said and walked away.

I managed to duck when I saw Nathan coming from other end,

Great now I was hiding from highschool boy.

My phone vibrated silently and I saw Charlie's name flash on it. I went to the distant end of the building in an effort to avoid the crowd.

" Charlie. "

" Sparrow."

" So I have been told you have a new suspect."

" That I do"

" How do you plan to do it?"

" I just saw him eating his lunch, I plan to wait and then grab him, sedate him and the rest will be done at the house ."

" Great, then I will tell this plan to your junior, she will follow your plan to the t and get answers while you go on a date."

" You can't be serious!!" I said cursing James for being such a big mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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