Chapter- 03

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Anna's POV

I punched the sandbag hard then reverse kicked it. Before it made its way towards me I stretched my leg upwards to kick imagining my enemy's head. The bag moved sideways and a sharp pain shot through my abdomen. My injury hadn't healed yet.

"Take a break Anna" I turned to see my boss Charlie observing me.

He had used my Christian name instead of code name.

Ohh Boy, I'm definitely in trouble, did that brat Tony complain about me shutting his ass in bathroom, or was it nurse Ella, it wasn't my fault that she sucked at dressing wounds, I had simply taped her mouth shut when she wouldn't stop preaching about how reckless I was for not taking my meds. I would rather eat Brusella's burnt cake than take those. Who names a person Brusella anyway, it sounded like Brussels and I hate Brussels.

I started listing the attics that I did in the past two days when I was supposed to be in bed. I was prepared to hear his scolding but it didn't come.

"Why haven't you checked your personal phone," he asked.

I scoffed "It's not like I get any messages, in 8 years I have received 8 messages all on my birthday ".

Happy birthday. Not even a stupid emoji.

His expression became more serious and I knew instantly something was wrong." What is it?" I asked not wanting to think of the dreadful scenarios running in my head.

"It's your sister, she's dead "I flinched at his coarse use of words but I knew Charlie didn't show sympathy in words.

I stumbled and sat on the bench, my eyes watered "How?" I barely whispered.

" It was an accident," he said passing me the file.

With trembling hands, I opened it to see the Amelia's cheery face. I loved her. I had loved her. I saw the photos of her smiling and then the horrifying image of her head lying on the car's window blood dripping on the pavement, marks of the car when it dragged due to the crash, the dents on the car on impact. I could imagine myself standing at the site.

Charlie was still there gauging my reaction.

" She ran a red light, the truck came from the other side, the driver panicked but called 911 she had already passed by the time they came"

I nodded I didn't know how to react yet. I turned the pages and stopped at one particular.

" Her weight, the fats in her body should have cushioned her fall, she should have been breathing by the time help came ".

" The doctors said the same but her postpartum was normal".

" When did this happen?"

" Yesterday night around 12.00 pm".

I sighed. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't close to my family, not anymore. Amelia didn't even know I existed. For her, I had already died 8 years back. I loved my twin sister more than anyone in the world. I wanted to see her for........the last time.

Charlie only gave me moments to recover.

" There's more," he said.

I raised my head.

" I don't know if I should give you the assignment but I don't see anyone more suitable for this than you "


" Come I will show you" I walked behind Charlie following him to his personal office.

He logged in his computer and put in his password.

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