Chapter- 02

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500 miles away..............

A sharp shrill woke Amelia from her deep slumber. Thumping the button of her alarm she shifted her heavy body in the bed. Lazily getting up she ruffled her hair and walked down to the bathroom. She took her time to shower and selected an XXL shirt and jeans.

" Good morning " her mom greeted.
She had inherited her mom's chestnut hair and her father's green eyes. Her mom had as usual woken up to prepare the breakfast and dad was reading his daily mail.

She said her greetings and sat eating the food. Despite her weight, she ate quite less not that she was conscious or anything. Finishing up she walked till the bus stand and took the bus to her college.

The gate of Wellington High stood proud even though there was nothing to be proud of. The admissions were still made based on the trophies that were won years back. Their headmaster had done all that he could but Wellington's status remained among the lower three colleges in the state. What the students needed was a strict curriculum and enough motivation which it lagged severely.
Amelia walked through the gate bombarded with her usual share of comments and teasing. She had got used to it by now. She didn't deny the fact that they used to affect her a lot until she found the hobby that seemed to change her.

She prided herself on her skill of observing people. Being overweight she had no friends, no distractions other than her own family. It also made her invisible which served as an advantage. She enjoyed observing people and making conclusions, she rejoiced when her conclusions proved right. She learned the traits that people have when they lie, when they like someone, when they are guilty and was amazed at the dissimilarity in the course of thoughts of people.

Unlike her peers she had the ability to focus on a singular thought giving it justice and processing it fully to understand the person. Being so ignored she also had mastered computers not knowing how to spend her free time. Because of her spotless grades and her mature mind she was one of the teachers favourite. She had learned to ignore the snide comments because she had realized she was so much more, her parents wanted her to study well but she had goals of her own.

Her hobby also lead her to realize that everyone had secrets. She also had one. For example she knew for a fact that Mrs.Brown had been convicted for the murder of her husband but was freed because of the lack of evidence. She had a way of finding things that were buried long ago. She didn't open their secrets or threaten, she just collected them and stored them for her leisure time.
Her only regret was that she wasn't invited to any parties, from which she could observe their drunken behaviors and widen her study to more number of people. Alas she was stuck with the delusional students of Wellington High.

She sat at her regular bench in history class. She liked her new history teacher. Mr. Carter was so much better than Mr. Dixon who left the country for his history tour.
Mr. Carter looked distinguished yet he didn't have features to make him stand out. With his black hair sprinkled with white and his short beard and brown eyes he would fail to attract attention in a crowd. What made Amelia fond of him were his actions. His actions had a clarity to them, a sort of cleverness that made her curious. The class continued and she made notes. After the class, Abigail came up to her,

" Hey fatso, I have an offer to make"

Amelia stayed silent she already knew what was coming.

" I'll let you attend my party today if you agree to do my week's assignments ".

" I'll think about it, " she muttered and left to avoid further humiliation.

" You will think about it? Like you have better things to do " she huffed and pushed past her.

Though for a second Amelia thought of agreeing she knew if she went she would be made their entertainment for the night.

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