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The room fell silent at the unexpected presence. Eyes shift off to one another before they settle back on the one who's arrived unexpectedly, meeting a sharp gaze that draws a tensed silence.

"Heard such a ruckus down here," a smooth, nonchalant voice puts out, "I just had to come see what the party's all about..."

Crystal-like yellow eyes land upon the new face, falling to the person's limp posture. He then watches as the redhead runs a harsh hand through the captive's green curls to lift his head and hold it in place.

"You were actually right," the redhead scoffed, "guess I did underestimate you,"
"Yeah? Don't do it again."

He'd been expecting a new face running around the area. He's been on watch for a while, patrolling on his own whenever he could to watch out for their next target; Izuku Midoriya, what they claim to be their next big jump towards success...

He's rather pleased to see one of their strongest duos has achieved in bringing the apprehended back to their base. They've caught sight of the young man's outshining talent, of both his quirk and his ability to handle it. It strikes similar to one of their once most powerful members.

"What're your plans with the kid?"

The black-haired one sighs, calloused hands fall to the man's own hips as his posture relaxes to one of nonchalance yet mundaneness. His eyes are half-lidded and lacking both life and interest nor motivation as they remain on the scene before him.

"Find his plans first." He grunts, "find out his behavior, his actions and reactions,"
"You are exhaustingly boring." The ash-blonde cut in. "He deserves nothing but to get the absolute shit beat out of him. I'll even do it FOR you, old man--"

The man, the boss; Shota Aizawa... if anything, he's responsible for the group's current size. A few belonging to the group of teenagers he now mostly looks after, he's picked up at a young age, either from disturbed homes or troubled backgrounds. He may claim he doesn't pick favorites, but he's a bit more inclined to those he's found out on the streets, rather than those who have wondered in on their own will.

"You've given me enough trouble already," he continued in a scolding tone.

The one he currently scolds; Katsuki Bakugo, or, "Ground Zero". Coming from a background of domestic abuse, the boy's got natural psychotic damage to him. What Shota likes about the boy is his lack of hesitancy in following up with missions, and his sheer determination and motivation to get something done, and done well. He's stubborn, most of the time, but after so many years of neglect and abuse, he's come to realize that ignoring someone's instructions or demands can cost him. And, what he's been traumatized to expect; the cost is not far off from being painful. He's one of the teenagers he'd found out in the streets at the young age of twelve, when the blonde had run away from home. He'd accepted the offering hand of Shota's immediately as it had been given, claiming; "Anything aside from 'home' would be better than what I was living."
He's definitely found more of a family here, in the Villain Hideout.

"Get the boy back to a more hidden room... Uraraka, you'll keep on watch if the kid wakes up,"

The girl moves promptly after the older man's behest, uttering a quick "Yes, sir" on her way out with the captivated.
Ebony eyes then flick towards the remaining three. "Bakugo and Kirishima, you two are free of missions for the day... I will let you in on any new tasks if any tasks are to appear."

They lounge around as soon as the words were given.

"And Hawks..." he continued, "come with me."

𝑀𝑦 𝑉𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝐴𝑐𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑎 Where stories live. Discover now