Christmas With Markiplier and Crew - Part 5

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A/N - Hey guys sorry for kind of not updating for a week, everything was hard over Christmas as I spent it alone and it just hit me, so I spent a lot of time to myself. Even though I was able to talk with my boyfriend it is hard cause we live 22 hours away from each other. Other than that I am back and I have now got a summer job but I won't forget about this :D

Christmas With Markiplier and Crew - *Maddie's POV*

"Welcome-come to our wonderful town
Welcome-come, we are humble and proud"

I yawned pressing the disable button on my phone alarm throwing the blankets back over my head, I really didn't want to get up today. I had no point Mark nor Chilled would notice if I didn't show up, could just say I'm sick or that I still haven't mastered the time zones. 

"I'm gonna fight for what's right
Today I'm speaking my mind
And if it kills me tonight
I will be ready to die"

 "What?!" I screamed down the phone as I answered it

"I ahh wrong number" The scared voice hung up quickly as I took a look at the number, but I didn't recognise it

Mark: Merry Christmas!! 

Me: Merry Christmas

Mark: Lunch is at 11

Me: That early?!

Mark: We plan to open gifts and things

Me: Ohhh okay

Mark: See you there!

Mark: P.S You have to wear a dress :P

A dress!? Umm just cause I own them does not mean I want to wear them, was Christmas really this special to this silly kid?

So I could either start getting ready or stay in bed for another hour and be late?... Late really looks good about now but I couldn't do that, sure I didn't like Christmas but I didn't;t want to let a bunch of people down and I couldn't just blow them off.. I wasn't quite sure if I would get anymore friends in this city. 

*Knock Knock*

"Emily!" Marks voice yelled as he opened the door

"Hey" I smiled walking in with a couple of gifts under my arm

"You didn't have to get us things" Wade smiled 

"Who said I got you anything?" I laughed as I gave Mark and Bob their gifts

"It's okay, he doesn't need one" Wade's girlfriend kissed his cheek

I gave Wade his as they ripped into them they realised I had got them Youtube mugs 

"Ohh by the way that's Molly and Thomas" Mark added while attacking the box, as I smiled at them

"I really didn't know enough about you guys, but I did remember the youtuber thing" I laughed sitting at the table 

"It's fine, these are the 2026 ones and we don't get them" Mark spoke

"They make you buy them?" I asked

"Yeah, they are smart I guess" He laughed going back to the kitchen

"So what do you do Maddie?" Mark's brother asked 

"I'm a primary school teacher" 

"You can put up with kids?" Molly laughed

"Barely, I just like the holidays" They laughed 

"Yeah well creating a web comic has its perks as well" Thomas added

"Food is ready!" Mark yelled as we all piled around the table and the mountain of food this little man had created 

"This isn't going to work" I laughed to myself sitting in between Mark and Molly 

"What isn't going to work?" Mark whispered

"I have dinner with Chilled's family, lets hope they don't cook a lot" We laughed as he handing me the chicken.

I had a good chat with Mark about his life and even mine in Australia and working out what was different.

I checked my phone realising it was 4pm and I had to be at Chilled's at 6

"Well I better be off to the next Christmas dinner" I laughed getting up hugging everyone and leaving 

Chilled: 56 Blueberry st, Murray Hill

Chilled: Ohh do you have a lift?

Me: Well I live in Prospect Heights

Chilled: I will pick you up then! I don't need you getting hurt on the subway!

Me: Okay, see you at 6pm then

I threw my phone on the table with my keys collapsing on the couch watching tv.

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