Children- Part 9

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Children - *Maddie's POV*

"Mrs Sanderson?" The man spoke, I could tell from his appearance that it was Mr Johnston the Principal

"It's just Miss" I smiled

"Well it is always the young ones" He rolled his eyes as we walked down the hall 

"You will be teaching Year One, Class B" 

"Any children I should expect to be a problem?" 

"Adam and Ryan, sometimes Mary. But other then that they are a great bunch of children" He replied opening the door

"Class this is Miss Sanderson"

"Hello Miss Sanderson" They spoke back

I smiled placing my bag on the desk

"Thank you, We will spend the morning for me to get to know you all" I replied as they begain to chatter quietly

"If you have any problems, get me" He smiled closing the door behind him

I started to set up my desk finding the roll 

"Mary Adams"


"Ryan Green"


"Adam Montoya"


"Conor Youtube"

I looked up from the book seeing a young boy up the back staring at me

"Your father wouldn't b-"

"Anthony Youtube." Conor replied bluntly

"Oh you were the kind boy I met at Christmas" I smiled

"Your the mean lady who yelled at my uncle!" He yelled back

"You will not speak to me like that Conor" 

"I don't care! You are just a mean person!" He stood up behind his desk

"Conor I will give you one warning please sit down and listen" 

"Or what!?" 

He had to have got this from Chilled

"I will send you to Mr Johnston and call your parents" 

"Let me help you!" He grabbed his bag walking out the door slamming it

What had just happened?

Did this kid really hate me so much for yelling at John?

Conor didn't even know me or what happened between us!

"Miss?" One of the girls slowly spoke up

"Yes?" I replied taking a deep breath

"Can we begin?" She asked

"Sure" I smiled softly setting them up into reading groups as I began to write my report of what had just happened

The Teacher (Sequel to The Panel Girl) - TehSmarty (Teh Smarty) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now