
56 4 0

Judge: @Jeisuin

Get to know your judge: 

I love to draw and create stuff on photoshop. I'm not that into books but I'm started to enjoy reading (because of Ashen) like Harry Potter and manga. I enjoy action and adventure stories. I also love horror! I love reading stories that has a lot of personality to the characters so i could visualize the characters enough that I can illustrate them. I'm not that great with talking/interacting with others. I do get very self conscious and awkward but I am trying to change that and be more social :). Thats all you need to know. 


1) @william5001 | The Beginning of the End |

2) @lucysbadatwriting | Hurters and Healers |

3) @Lauriee-Angel | The Pixies of Aspana |

4) @KavyaAgnihotri | The Mission |

5) @ShreyaSolaris | Summer of 2020 |

How much your judge will read: 5+ chapters


Cover (5) Is it attractive? Is it readable? Does it make sense for the story?

Blurb (5) Does it make me want to read the book? Is there a good strong hook?

Action/Adventure(15) Does this story fit its genre? Is it an adventure? Are there action sequences? Is it exciting to read?

Characters (20) Do we have paper people or do the characters have a life of their own? Do they have flaws? Do they grow and change over time? Does the conflict the characters have to face make sense based on their characterization? Or is it totally out there?

Pacing of Story (15) Is the pacing well done? Is there too much detail slowing it down, or is there not enough and its going too fast? Is there the right amount of build up to major conflicts? Do I want to put the book down? Or am I totally hooked in at the end of each chapter?

Grammar and Spelling (10) Is the spelling and grammar decent? If there are mistakes are they major or little typos? Is it hard to read the story? Is punctuation used correctly? Are sentence and paragraph structures varied and used correctly?

Plot Originally (15) Is the plot interesting? Is it a cliche or totally original? How are cliches handled? Is the plot too complicated to understand? Are there creative elements used such as twists and cliffhangers? Does the plot make sense for the characters?

World Building (15) Is the world original or something we've seen before? Is it creative? Does it directly connect to the characters and their journeys?

Total: 100 points

Remember to follow your judges. 5 points will be deducted if you fail to do so

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