A Sudden Outburst

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It was a fine morning in a rural side of England. A spectacular view of rolling hills and dense forests as far as the eyes can see. Meadows full of spring blossoms complimented the scene of the English countryside.

Dark clouds slowly gathered overhead, shielding the sun from view. The sounds of pitter-patter increased in volume as raindrops hit all manners of thing that it came in contact with.

A barely audible sigh came from inside of an old english-house. Vines creeped up on either side of the two-storey brick abode. Arrays of flowers decorated the front lawn as well as a medium sized pond inhabited by a few koi fish.
A teenage girl with red colored hair stared out from the living room window, her lips pouted a she sadly watched the pouring rain outside.

"No morning walks for today eh, Ruth?". She addressed the long coated black dog sitting next to her.
"It seems so, Chise" The black dog replied, it's crimson eyes gazed longingly at the shrubs and trees visible outside.
The girl called Chise lets out a heavier sigh as she turned away from the window, similarly followed by the black dog.

"At least... there are no thunders," Ruth reasoned, glancing up at his visibly frustrated master.

"Yeah..." Chise muttered. A thin smile spread across her lips. If it was a thunderstorm, she would be cowering in her bedroom. Thunders and lightning terrifies her.

Chise Hatori looks just like any normal teenage girl. Although her crimson colored hair and emerald green eyes may appear quite strange to certain people, she is average looking. Except for the fact that she is of unusual origin, a Sleigh Beggy.

A Sleigh Beggy is best compared to a queen bee. Magical creatures and energy are drawn to them, granting them the power to both summon and binds all manner of things.
The only drawbacks however, are that; although they are an endless source of magical power, their continuous absorption and production of magical energy exhaust them greatly.
Which is why Sleigh Beggies are both precious and usually short-lived. That is, if there are no countermeasures made.

Being such thing, Chise was sold at an auction. A rarity that many sought after. Until someone bought her for a whopping five million pounds.
"Chise," A deep man's voice called. A familiar figure stood in the hallway.

Ah, speak of the devil. Chise thought, glancing towards the 'man' who bought her. Not quite the right choice of words though. Her buyer, Elias Ainsworth, is a peculiar creature known as Pilum Murialis. Usually called as the Thorn Mage by those who know him.
He mainly appears as a tall man wearing a black dress pants, a white long-sleeve button down, and dons a black vest on the outside. The usual gentlemen outfit, save for his head which is a sizeable long animal skull with long twisted horn similar to a goat attached to it's back.
Elias is a magus, or a wizard. Whichever you prefer to call them.

Two years ago he bought Chise at an auction, just to satisfy the whim of other magus that urged him to take an apprentice under his wings. After he's grown tired of hearing them of course.
In time, however, they both grew fond of each other and Elias swore to make Chise his bride when the time comes.

Chise ambled sheepishly towards him, her black dog familiar following closely behind.
"Good morning, Elias" She greeted him. A sweet smile follows.

"Good morning, Chise, Ruth" He replied. "No morning strolls today, it seems. At least, the garden needs no watering today" He continued, his tiny glowing red orbs as eyes gazed outside.

At the spur of a moment,the seemingly light rain turned into a storm. The velocity of the wind increased by the second, knocking over several pots of plants in the front yard.
Chise squealed in fear, instinctively wrapping her arms around Elias, who in return held both her shoulder. Ruth inched closer to her, sensing the unnatural shift in the atmosphere.

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