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It's the third day since Wind knocked on Elias and Chise's home. Things are changing rapidly for Wind. From a lost wandering stranger, to someone with a life to live. Although the acceptance felt a tad unsettling, Wind moved on with this new life carrying an unspoken agreement. To protect Chise at all cost.

Wind have a painful past. She tries not to dwell on it too often, even if it's far too excruciating to ignore. She forces herself to concentrate on the uncertain future, which may hold some light for her.

Wind stared out of the window, still laying on the bed. A blanket still pulled over her body, shielding her from the morning cold. She has been thinking for a while now, about what to expect while living in the house. The households are mostly not human and yet, she does not feel out of place.

A creak sounded from the bedroom door. "Wind?" Chise's head poked out of the doorway. She has woken up much earlier. Wind caught the scent of freshly cooked omelette lingering into the room. She stretched on the bed and groggily rubbed her eyes before sitting up.

"Chise? What time is it?" Wind asked, her voice croaked from deep sleep. "It's 7:15 am," Chise answered, opening the door wider before walking into the room. She carried a few folded clothes in her hand. "Is that early or late here?" Wind questioned, afraid that she may have delayed something. "Don't worry, it's still very early! Even Elias isn't up yet~"
Chise chuckled, putting down the carried item on the pillow next to Wind. She then pulled a small white towel from the wardrobe and handed it to Wind, "Here~ go clean up and come back after," She urged Wind. Wind sleepily got out of bed and took the towel. She gave Chise a slight nod before ambling out of the room. She greeted Ruth outside the door and continued downstairs to the bathroom.

After rinsing her face with cold water and brushing her teeth with a spare toothbrush, she dried her face with the towel and rushed back upstairs. As soon as Wind enters the room, Chise displayed a light blue sweater in front of her. Still dumbfounded, Wind asked, "Who is that for?"

With a sweet smile, Chise beamed "It's for you! Silky made a few outfit just for you. She's very skilled in sewing," She handed Wind the sweater and walked to the door. "I'll let you change, come down for breakfast after you're done ~" Chise told her, closing the door behind.

Wind watched as the door closed. She turned her gaze towards the sweater in her hand. The fabric is extremely soft and it has a single line of white flower patterns embroidered across the upper half of the clothing. She held the sweater to her chest, accompanied with feeling of bliss. A smile decorated her expression, a smile that she hoped would stay true forever.

She carefully searched the wardrobe for her satin dress that she's sure have been washed the day before. She changed into the dress and donned the blue sweater. The neckline of the sweater ended well above her shoulder, quite similar to a peach-colored sweater Chise owns, hanging in the wardrobe. Wind spent a few moment eyeing herself in the mirror, clean and well dressed. Unlike her disheveled appearance before she came here.

She remembered how she would wander aimlessly for an extended period of time. Bathing in rivers and forages for wild edible fruits. Looks like fate has a different plan for her.


Wind strutted down the stairs towards the kitchen, everyone was waiting for her, even Elias himself. They all exchanged morning greetings and sat down for their second breakfast together while Silky busied herself at the sink, washing used pots and pans.

Chise turned to Wind after a while and studied her outfit, "It looks good on you!" She commented. Wind only blushed and muttered a shy thanks. Elias who was sipping his tea took a short glance at her, "Skilled needlework as usual," He simply said, aimed towards Silky. Silky glanced back and nodded courteously before getting back to her work.

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