(Author's note: The music in this book is ours and we are putting a Copyright on it. We made it, and we use it for this. So please, do you copy, use, or claim it as your own. Please do not steal it or distribute it as your own. It was made for this book and took time and work. Thank you.)

-Zeffie, Aaliyah and Grace


"Ooh, don't change it! I love this song." Annie moved her hand from the dial per Prim's request and stepped to the side and they sang along.

"You got your heart broken once, twice, three times. I can't assume it won't happen again. You got thrown in the gutter again and again. I'll be with you until the end; the end."

The harmony echoed around the house as the song continued, but as Annie took another step towards the radio's volume control, Katniss completely lost it.

"Guys! Turn it off!" Katniss flung her book at Prim's head, who ducked in the nick of time. "You guys waste your life away listening to this stupid music. Turn it off." She stormed out of the room before she was able to see her sisters' reactions.

Annie and Prim stood in shock as they took in the absolutely demolished playroom. Katniss's usual resting spot was no longer occupied by the soft beanbag and black coffee table, and shards of glass from the aimlessly thrown lamp lay in a heap on the floor.

"What did she do this time?" Madge slammed through the still ajar door as her mouth gaped open. Her arms rested on her hips and all Prim and Annie could do were shrug guiltily.

"She broke the lamp" is all Prim could muster. Yet again, Annie and Prim had taken their obsession too far. But their entire weekend was devoted to the most exciting event of their life. It's not her often that you get free front row seats for your favorite band's concert.

For the girls, this was so much more than a favorite band. Like a fandom, a celebrity crush times infinity. Not for Katniss, though. Even Madge was a bigger fan than she was. And this hadn't been the first time Katniss had lost her temper over the same old song.

"Maybe you guys should turn it off for now." Madge was just as scared of Katniss's temper like everyone else.


"She's already going to the concert with you tonight. Isn't that enough?" Madge crossed her arms and gave them her convincing death glare, taking advantage of the whole oldest-sister's-best-friend ordeal.

"Yeah, but her anger issues are... awful." Prim nodded in agreement and then shook her head.

"How did you convince her to go anyways? She hates New Capitol." Prim looked at Annie desperately.

"Don't ask," Annie replied. "I'm just surprised she didn't kill me."


Chapter One

Katniss's POV


ok. I may or may not have had another freak out, but that's not my point. my sisters are shitting the hell out of me with their music. the singers are like screeching pigs. it's pure torture. don't ask me how Annie convinced me to go to the concert tonight. all I can hope is that I'll make it out alive. 

Madge gripped my arm tighter. "You. Are. Freakishly. Strong," she said in between breaths. I continued to restrain her pull. My focus remained on my book, and I followed the story with crazy stamina because it seemed impossible to read as she yanked. It felt like my arm was being pulled from my socket.

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