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Tyrosh society works very similar to that back in Westeros, the minute me and my men settled into our manor in the wealthiest part of the city, I received  5 letters from different ladies that wanted to meet me over tea, well shit more snakes to deal with "They are beasts, all of them invited me the same day, is it a little game with the gossipers here; who gets to talk to the strange rich lady first?" the girls laughed at my comments, just as I was getting ready to meet the first of them.

I mean they are beasts, the first one I had tea with had at least 10 pounds worth of jewelry draping her body, to show her wealth to me. Like a goody two-shoes of a wife she got her husband after tea, so that we could talk business. They see money and they dive for it, not caring for their dignity, how pathetic, and a disgrace to women really.

Nevertheless it made my life that much easier. That happened as well with the other three, currently at my last state, all week I've been doing this and I am utterly and completely exhausted, mental games take a lot more strength than hunting.

"Yes Lord Amos, we are here for a whole year before we continue our journey" "How fascinating that a lord from Westeros left his daughter to travel the world, I mean no offense, I've only met a few Lords yet they all seemed equally narrow minded, very traditional" you don't have a clue. "So what do you think of our city Lady Davina?" your wife hasn't let me see it bastard "I still don't know Lord Amos, I've spent all week meeting the ladies of your society, so I'm yet to explore" and draw every rich street in it.

"Hahaha, yes the ladies do that every time there is someone new in town. Don't tell my wife but every time she does this kind of thing I have to postpone a meeting, business or friends it doesn't matter to her" I actually laughed with him, and he continued "What do you plan on doing once you are free of the gossip queens in the city?"

His interest made me give him a genuine smile "Well, nothing very interesting. The same thing I've done in all the cities, draw them in my journal, experience the people, and perhaps run from a soldier or two" haha good times with Brienne back in Pentos, after trashing Magister Mik's ship.

"You know Lady Davina, I'm sure my  wife already asked you but please do come to the ball that we are hosting in a fortnight. We throw the best and most luxurious parties in all Tyrosh, we even let some of our servants enjoy in a different room" well that would never happen in Westeros, well except up north, I never get tired of saying, they ayude me tono end.

"If my men can attend as well I don't see why not. That is very kind of you Lord Amos, I can tell you have a big heart. Apart from business with my family I would really like to someday call you my friend" come on, bite "That day is today, Lady Davina even if you don't yet tell me you family name I can tell you are good of heart, and as a friend I'm making you our guest of honor for the ball"

Wow, that was easy "It would be my pleasure Lord Amos."


After tea with Lord Amos I immediately escaped high society, again, and went to explore the city. It is quite exquisite, you can feel the wealth in almost every corner, in King's Landing there are beggars every couple of feet but not here. Fascinating.

My two guards as usual in the shadows, are having a laugh while I sit peacefully on the edge of a fountain in the middle of what I can only describe as a flower market, it is beautiful. I cannot wait to show this to Tyrion, he's always known how to appreciate the simple things like flowers or a good wine.

Out of nowhere a man comes crashing into my side, causing both of us to fall hard on the ground, me on a fucking puddle "Agh! You brute!" I turn to the idiot and found a pair of gorgeous blue eyes staring right back, holy fuck... and then he was gone, running from a very angry looking baker.

Seconds later my two guards helped me onto my feet, "Thank you boys, grab my journal would you. I need to go back and take a bath" and all the way back I could not get those almost sapphire eyes out of my head, hmm interesting.

As I was in my bath I explained to Elyn what had happened, "And he had the bluest eyes Elyn, I'm telling you they looked like sapphires and -" she started laughing at me "What? Why are you laughing woman?" when she didn't answer I splashed her with some water

"Hahaha, fine I'll talk... it's just that you seem to be attracted to the brutes blue eyes" attracted? "You are hallucinating my friend, as you said he is a brute and I only saw his face for a brief second furthermore he- Don't laugh at me!"

We both broke into a fit of laughter, I'm going to get you back Elyn "My sweet Elyn, if I'm so attracted to that man... then by the way you look at her, you are most definitely in love with Tayta" she stopped laughing and a deep blush appeared on her cheeks "I don't know what you are talking about, my Lady.... I'll go get you nightgown" she practically ran out, hmm you so love her Elyn.


The next day, breaking fast with everyone I saw fit to inform them of our new most generous friend "Men listen I have an announcement-"  "You have officially gone mad" Mordred interrupted me, making the whole table laugh, northern men alude me.

"Haha, no Mordred not yet, unfortunately for the people of Dorne, I'll go mad once I marry that whore of a man..." Now even I was laughing, Tayta clutching her stomach, Elyn with tears forming. Morgana however was not impressed at all, she still has this ludicrous notion that I somehow am falling for Oberyn, crazy woman.

"Back to the announcement, a new very generous friend is hosting a gala in a fortnight... that means a very fancy party Henry dear..." he just remained stoic, as always "And has made me the guest of honor, but it gets better... you are all invited as well" and now there was complete silence.

"What?" Tommy asked clearly confused, Laso also chimed in "Is this a prank my Lady? Because I've lived in Lannisport all my life and worked in Casterly Rock long enough to know that commoners are not invited to fancy events like galas."

My sweet boys "No there are not Laso, however we are not in going to a party in Casterly Rock, but to one here in Tyrosh, Essos. Things are quite different here in that regard, so are you all going to come or do I have to go alone?" silence, everyone with eyes wide as flies, until Toko answered for everyone "Fuck yeah!" hahaha, I love that man.


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