Personality Matrix

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Adora sighed and placed her hand on the panel. The ship began trembling a bit and all the lights inside the cockpit flickered.

"New personality matrix loaded. Funtionality: Restored. Administrator detected. Welcome, Adora. I'm Darla. What's your query?"

Adora smiled excited

"Yesss! It's working!"

"Of course, it's working! I told you Beast Island was a treasure trove of First Ones Tech!"

Entrapta started drooling and muttering stuff into her recorder while moving around the ship, assessing all the new flashy panels.

"It's a shame it doesn't have more lasers. With tech like that, this vessel could support a really powerful arsenal"

Adora frowned, looking over her shoulder

"Hordak... Last time you got your hands on a laser, you destroyed half the Fright Zone and almost killed Catra"

Hordak frowned back at her and muttered

"Well, I'm still surprised she dodged it instead of running straight into it..."

Adora's expression went from frowning to confused amusement in a second. Hordak looked away.

"You know... Because...Cat..ra. Lasers... It...was a joke"

A smile began forming in Adora's face, but it was completely outshined by Entrapta's hysterical burst of laughter.

"Lasers! I get it! Because she's Cat..ra! Good one"

Entrapta raised herself to his level and gave Hordak a little kiss on the tip of the nose. Hordak blushed inmediately and cleared his throat. Adora smiled widely. Hordak? Blushing? Things were sure changing around since Horde Prime was defeated. Bow and Glimmer, Mermista and Seahawk... Even Scorpia and Perfuma. Her mind wandered, happily, going back to where it always went. To that moment in the Core. To Catra.

"Adora, you're blushing. And Catra is not even here"

She snapped out of it and blushed even deeper, waving her hand

"What? No! I'm not blushing. You're blushing! Hordak is blushing! Everyone is blushing but me!"

"My sensors indicate that you are indeed blushing and your heart rate has increased. Diagnostics: Hormones"

Adora frowned annoyed and lightly punched the panel

"Thanks, Darla. You're reeeeeally helpful. I mean it"

"I'm glad I can be of help."

Entrapta chuckles and turns around, going back to her tech, dragging Hordak by the sleeve. Adora waves and turns around.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go find Glimmer and Bow. They'll want to see this for sure. And Entrapta... No lasers."

Entrapta waves goodbye and leans into Hordak, almost whispering.

"That means maaaaybe one laser. Or two."


Adora walked across the courtyard absentmindedly, heading towards the throne room, but before she reached the main gates, she took a little detour and walked towards the gardens. Heavyness grew in her chest as she neared it. A lot of conflicting memories rushing through her mind.

There it was. A magical vortex, twirling over one of the fountains. It was dark red coloured, but in the center, a mote of brilliant green shone. Adora placed her hand over the plaque and read it once again: May your light spin and your shadows waver

King Micah had been reluctant about the monument at first, but weirdly enough, Castaspella insisted. Shadow Weaver's sacrifice didn't redeem her of all the doubt and pain she inflicted on both her and Catra. But even so, Adora kind of...missed her.

A single tear streamed down her cheek and Adora finally turned around, walking inside the castle.

 The hallways where brimming with life, as guards and workers walked around, and Adora allowed herself to relax a bit. Ever since Etheria was liberated, the rebuilding of Bright Moon had been on it's way. Thought not badly, the battles had affected almost all the Kingdoms. Even the Rebellion's Capital. There was still a lot of work ahead, but Adora felt happy. Better to work rebuilding than fighting for survival.

All her thoughts were thrown into disarray when two words echoed through the hallway behind her.

"Hey Adora"

She turned around and there she was, with a sarcastic smile on her face. It caught her completely off guard, and Adora could feel the blush rushing into her cheeks once again. She wanted to reply, but a sudden burst of happiness and energy rushed through her body. She lunged and hugged her instantly, laughing and spinning around.

But something felt wrong. Catra was being still with that same smile on her face.

"Catra? Is something wrong?

 A suggestive chuckle reached her ears and she felt Catra's figure shift between her arms. She broke the hug and recoiled, looking at a strange humanoid form transforming in front of her where Catra was before.

"Jeez darling... You have to be careful with that strength of yours or you are going to end up breaking the wildcat"

Smiling at their own mischief, they bowed dramatically and quite professionally.

"Double Trouble, I swear next time you do this I'm going to go full She-Ra on you and toss you so far even Darla won't be able to track you"

They laughed.

"Come oon... You're so not fun. My theatrics are improving, aren't they?"

They chuckled and turned around, raising an arm in a dramatic way

"Anyways, Glimmer was looking for you earlier. She heard you already installed the new thingy on the ship. She's waiting for you in the throne room, obviously"

Adora turned around and left without saying anything else. She didn't know why, but she felt a bit angry at them. Was it anger though? Or was she just missing Catra? She shook her head and walked away, covering the distance to the throne room. 

Personality MatrixWhere stories live. Discover now