Old Acquaintances

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A knock on the door woke them up a couple hours later. Adora slowly rose up and yawned, stretching all the way. Catra whined and covered her head with a pillow


Adora yawned again and walked to the door, opening it gently.

"Good morning to you, miss Adora! I hope you both have a good night's sleep"

Adora tilted her head and smiled, letting him in.

"Good morning, Wrong Hordak"

Catra got out of bed and stretched too, looking towards the door and waving.

"Morning... Actually, shouldn't you...you know, get a new name or something? Am I the only one that finds your name kind of... sad?

Wrong Hordak shook his head energetically and raised a finger.

"Why should it be sad? Lady Entrapta gave it to me after I discovered the Great Liar's lies! It's a wonderful name!"

Catra shrugged and headed towards the wardrobe. Adora smiled and looked at him.

"So, what is it? Did something happen?"

Wrong Hordak winked and signalled towards the courtyard, whispering so only she could hear it.

"You asked me to come see you as soon as the "special guests" arrived, remember?"

Adora's eyes widened and she smiled excited.

"They're here? Awesome! Please, go welcome them properly. We'll be there shortly"

Wrong Hordak made a fabulous bow and started humming as he walked away cheerfully. Adora closed the door and walked towards Catra.

"Hey, love. Remember I told you yesterday we had an appointment? Well, it seems like they arrived. We should get ready"

Catra sighed annoyed and opened the wardrobe, ready to change. A little chill went down her back as she noticed Adora's eyes were fixed on her with a roguish smile.

"What? Are you gonna stare while I change, you perv?"

Adora chuckled and turned around, heading for her wardrobe.

"Nuh-uh. Just wondering if you would dress on that cape and those awesome boots of yours"

Catra was going to refuse when she saw those god damn puppy eyes of hers directly fixed at her.

"Uuuugh okay. But only because they are comfy. Not because you asked"

Adora chuckled goofily and opened her wardrobe, getting ready to dress herself too. A couple of minutes later, they both exit the room holding hands and headed towards the courtyard. Wrong Hordak was waiting next the entrance of a small meeting room, playing with a small kitten. As he saw them, he stood up and waved, signalling them over towards the room. Adora sighed.

"Okay, Catra. Whatever happens, please don't kill me"

Catra frowned and looked at her.

"Adora...What have you gotten me into."

Adora chuckles and shrughs, walking towards the door. Catra followed her with a suspicious look on her eye. As they both reached the door, Wrong Hordak opened it, and three people came out. Three people Catra had not been expecting at all. Her ears lowered noticeably and a knot formed on her stomach.

"Well, well, well. We see each other again, Force Captain"

Rogelio, Lonnie and Kyle smiled gently as they came out of the meeting room. Adora stepped to the side next to Wrong Hordak and let them meet again. Catra answered shyly.

"Hey, guys... I... I didn't expect to meet you here. I didn't know anything about you since you left."

Lonnie took a step forwards, looking at Catra.

"Well, it was a surprise for us too. We've been helping rebuild in a village nearby. Swift Wind told us you were coming a couple of days ago, so we thought we might...you know...meet and catch up"

Catra didn't know what to say. They probably hated her. She had been awful with them. And with Scorpia. She had been awful with everyone on her power-hungry quest. She sighed though and mustered all her courage to speak.

"Guys... I know this probably won't cover for all I said and did, but I'm sorry. I was an absolute trash towards you back in the Horde. And I never even worried to think about how you felt. It's totally understandable that you left the Horde. I..."

Rogelio interrupted her and Lonnie nodded.

"Rogelio is right. You don't have to apologize to us. Back when Adora left the horde, I gave you a hard time too. We've all done things we regret in the past. But hey... We're here now, aren't we? An opportunity to start anew. After all, we used to be in the same unit. Why not go back to those days?"

Lonnie smiled and offered her hand. Tears welled Catra's eyes once again and she accepted her hand, as the four of them laughed and fused on a group hug.

Wrong Hordak jumped happily on the spot and Adora smiled too. But she was surprised as the four of them turned to her.

"This includes you too, Adora. You are an awful Force Captain and abandoned us all. And you even beat the crap out of all of us too a couple of times. But damn, aren't we all glad you did"

Adora smiled and joined the group hug too.

"Well, I guess that's true too. Look at us. The old squad back in ac..."

She was interrupted by a joyful scream and heavy thumping on the floor.


They all were tackled to the ground by a crying Scorpia that appeared out of nowhere. The group laughed for a while and engaged in some smalltalk, as Adora grabbed Catra's hand, looking at her lovingly. Catra smiled back.

"Thank you, Adora. I kind of needed this"

Adora kissed her and helped her stand up, only to realize four cheeky stares looking directly at them both. Lonnie spoke first:

"So, you two finally got together, huh? About time jeez. Took you long enough"

Catra and Adora looked at each other with a puzzled look.


Kyle intervened, scratching his head.

"What do you mean what? You two liking each other was the worst kept secret in all of the fright zone. We even made bets about when would you confess to each ot"

Lonnie hit Kyle gently on the head.

"Shut up Kyle"

Catra and Adora blushed deeply as everyone present laughed. It was only the start of a wonderful day of catching up for them all.

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