1. New sister

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I was 12 years old when Charlie adopted me. Out of those 12 years I spend 1 in the system, 0,5 on the streets and the first 10,5 years I spend in an abusive household. I wasn't taken away, I ran away. Even as a child I knew when something was toxic. People yelling and people hitting each other...

I can still hear my older sister her screams as he hit her. I can still see the scars on my mother's arms. I can still hear my own screams every time I look at my own scars from my time there. Both physical and mental. So, at the young age of 10, I did a selfish thing. I got out.

I took me a couple of months and a lot of begging but I finally made it out of the state I used to call home. New York sucked and I never wanted to return. Unfortunately, shortly after, I was found and brought into the system.

Now, I don't have trust issues. I realize very well that my father is his own individual and that that doesn't mean that everybody is like him. But I can't help the flashbacks when I hear people yelling or when Charlie opens a beer. Though I always keep quiet and keep them to myself. And even then, they become less as time passes. I guess time really does heal everything.

"Mag, listen to this. I think I've got it!"

I'm pulled from my trip down memory lane by my best friend's voice. His name is Jacob Black and he has been there for me since day one. He is the absolute best friend I could ever ask for. And guess what, we're the same age! How awesome is that? I might also have a small crush on him, but that'll remain a secret forever.

Currently we are sitting in his garage. He has a guitar in his lap that I've been teaching him how to play. Music has been my getaway from everything shitty in my live and the only thing that never failed me. So yeah, I know quite a bit about how to play instruments. Must admit that I'm kinda proud of that.

Jake plays a piece of a simple song yet he still completely messes up the tempo, making me giggle softly. "Jakey, you're off tempo, mate." He rolls his eyes and tries again. "How can you hear this stuff? It all sounds the same to me..." I pay close attention to his playing and lick my lips when he messes up again. "How about this? I'll tap your leg in the proper rhythm and you try to match it with your playing." He nods at me and I place my hand on his bare knee. He plays the first note and I tap his knee as planned. It's actually working since he's nailing it after a couple more tries.

"That's perfect, Jake!" He grins at me and puts the guitar down before pulling me into a tight embrace. "Yes! Thank you, Mag!" I return the hug before looking at the time. "We should get going. Dad should be home any minute now. I'll finally get to meet my sister!"

Not going to lie, I'm excited and terrified at the same time. What will she be like? Will she like me? Will she hate me? Does she like music? Stop asking questions, Mag! You won't get answers until you actually meet her.

"Yeah, I'll help dad get into the car. Meet you there." Jake ruffles my hair as he leaves the garage, heading into his house. I get off the old couch and make my way to the red/orange truck and hop unto the back. I know that it isn't exactly save but life is so boring without a couple of risks, right?

I don't have to wait long for Billy's wheelchair to join me in the back as he gives me a small smile through the window in the back of the cabin. "Come on, Billy! Hit it!" I hear laughter coming from inside as the truck starts moving and I pull my hair from the messy bun, letting the wind play with it as it pleases. I could hear a soft tune playing from inside and immediately started singing along, not caring if I looked like a lunatic to the people we passed. "I want something just like this~ Where do you wanne go?~ How much you gonne risk~" Jake opens his window and sings along with me, making both of us look insane as we're waiting for the light to turn green.

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