8. Girls night

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"Honestly, dad. I don't know when they'll come back. We have a week off so let the fresh couple have their little moment. Just like I'm doing... No... I mean, Paul counts as a guy. He picked me up from their house and we're going to watch a movie. Might stay the night here and then I'll probably hop by Jake's house tomorrow and see if he wants to hang for a bit. Maybe I'll stay the night there as well... Thanks dad! Love you too!" I put my phone away and my fake smile fades from my face as I turn to face the pack and the imprints. "Now that that is taken care of. What to do next?"

"You'll remain here until we kill this hunter you speak of." I nod and drop down on the couch so I'm sitting beside Paul.
"Don't forget that there were three of them. The one with dreadlocks seemed innocent enough but you can't be sure. The female scared me though. She already recognized Paul's scent as a wolves." Sam thinks for a second before he turns to Paul. "You should bring Rachel here. She'll be safest here."
Both me and Paul look at Sam with wide eyes. "Even though Mag is my imprint?"
Sam runs a hand through his hair. "If you could imprint twice, I'm sure that Rachel would have been the second one. So, even though she can't know about us, we should still try to keep her save. Go get her."
Paul looks at me for confirmation and I give him a nod. "Go. Alpha will protect me."
He doesn't need to be told twice as he rushes out. "Tell her that we're having a girls night!"
I'm unsure if he heard me as he gets in his jeep and drives off.

Emily hands me something to eat but I can't get it down my throat. I'm too worried about Bella. Thankfully I get some water down as Sam ruffles my already messed-up hair.
"Listen, when Paul returns, we'll go and hunt for the bloodsucker. Emily, can you keep the girls entertained?" She nods as I turn to look at Kim, Jared's imprint.
I didn't talk much to her but she seems nice enough. She smiles at me as she glances at my hair before exchanging a look with Emily. "We'll start with your hair."
This makes all of us laugh. "I honestly don't think it can be saved anymore." More laughter.
"Sheesh, thanks ladies. You know what? Give me a haircut then. I wanted something daring for a while now."
Kim and Emily look at each other once more before whispering to each other. Sam shivers beside me. "Something wrong, Alpha?"
"No, just realized how scary girls can be." Again, we burst out in laughter.

Paul doesn't make us wait long as he enters while holding hands with a beautiful girl. WHY ARE ALL THE FEMALES SO PRETTY?!!! "Everyone, this is Rachel. Rachel, this is..."
But I interrupt him, by taking her hand from his and pointing at the door. "We can introduce ourselves, now shoo. You too Sam."
The huge male raises an eyebrow at me as he looks at me with disbelieve. I groan and pull Rachel to where Kim and Emily are sitting. "Em, kick your mans out."
Emily gives Sam a stern look before pointing at the door.
Sam raises his hands before grabbing Jared and pulling him away from Kim. "You heard them. Let's go."
"Have fun! And be save!" Paul flicks me the finger before he closes the door behind them, leaving us alone in the house.
"So, about your hair?"
"Aah, fuck..."

Turns out that Rachel fits in perfectly. Together the ladies cut my hair real short on one side. So short that I would almost say it was shaved while the other side was longer. Like it ended in a bob. How they managed to make it look good... I don't have a clue. Currently we are sitting around Emily her laptop, singing along to stupid songs. The hoodie with Paul's scent has been discarded long ago and I was about to regret taking it off.

The door is knocked off its hinges and we all turn to look at the door. I gulp loudly as the redhead from the field stands there, studying us.
"Now... who wants to die first?" She flashes to Emily and cups her chin. "How miserable... those wounds are so ugly. I'll release you from your shame."
"T-those are nothing to be a-ashamed of..." Rachel's soft voice says from beside me and the vampire turns her attention in her direction.
"Seems like you want to go first, huh?"
Though before she reaches out to Rachel, I place myself between them, holding the older girl behind me.

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