4. Freaking wolves?!

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Seems like Bella had a biology trip today. I was keeping her company since my first period teacher called in sick last minute so I had my first period off. Yay.
Soon the Cullens join us on the lot and Edward stands with Jasper and Alice. His eyes are locked on Bell and honestly, he looks like he wants to eat her. I give Jasper a small smile, which he actually returns with a nod. My smile grows but my attention is pulled away from them by Mike stepping in front of me and Bella.

"Seems like your friends are here. I'll get going then. See you after school." I didn't wait for her answer as I walked away and passed the Cullens. 

Edward, you're looking like a creep. Please stop it. He glanced at me like he heard me and turned his back further towards Bella. But I could tell that he was still paying attention to something other than his siblings. Almost like he... could hear Bella? No, that would be impossible, right?

I enter the building and spend my first period in the library. I'm just walking through the sections when I come across the romance aisle. Might as well have a look. The books all just look the damn same to me, nothing interesting to read here. With a loud sigh, I grab a random book and read the back. Seems like another chick flick. A new girl at school falling in love with a boy but the boy isn't exactly human. He's a vampire. How cliché.

Now, I do believe in the supernatural but all these books make them seem like they are trustworthy, like these creatures can be loved by normal people. I highly doubt that.


School is finally over! I'm waiting for the busses to arrive while chilling in the back of the truck. I totally claimed this spot. The first bus stops beside me and the Cullens casually walk out, yet Jasper freezes when he locks eyes with me. His eyes seem to become darker the longer we keep our eye contact. I decide to ignore it and smile gently at him before turning my attention back to the music sheet in my lap. I didn't notice how long he kept on staring at me, nor that Alice had to literally pull him away.

Bella jumped into the driver's seat. "You good to go?"
I quickly put my lose paper away before slamming the hood.
"Jep!" We were home in no time.


"Mag... can we talk for a minute?" I look up from my desk and smile at Bella.
"Of course, come in. Though I must warn you, Sev is roaming free."
"I can see that."
I turn to my bed and notice his tiny head sticking out of a ball of blankets. Seems like he found himself a comfortable place to chill.
"If you're uncomfortable with being close to him you can sit here. I'll sit on the bed."
"No, it's fine. Just not fully used to him yet." She sits down on the bed and I smile at her. She really is trying to get used to him. It warms my heart.

"What did you want to talk about?"
She looks me straight in the eyes while nervously biting her lip. "You're better at biology then me."
"I'm also a year below you..."
"True, but hear this one. Is an adrenaline rush enough to become as fast as Edward was?"
I frown as I think it over. "I honestly don't know, Bella. I've never thought about it... What happened? Did you talk with him at the greenhouse?"
She takes a deep breath and places her hands on the bed, near the blanket Sev is chilling in. "He comes up to me, asks me about Jacksonville, how he knows about that is still a mystery to me since that is what I talked about with Mike, and then later he tells me that we shouldn't be friends. I just don't understand what he wants from me anymore."
"Who cares about what he wants. What do you want?" I get up and sit down beside her, grabbing her hand.
"What I want?"
"Yeah. Just be selfish every once in a while, and just tell people what you want. Being selfless all the time will destroy you. Believe me, I've been there."

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