You thought you could escape?

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A while ago I wrote down the weirdest dream I have ever had. I am here to gift it to you!!!

So I guess it started and my sister and I were getting rid of a bunch of snow off of a very large field. We challenged to see who could do the most, but then we found a wierd ski lift thing, so we went on it. I can remember that the ski lift was in a circle and kind of like something from a fair.

So we went on the ski lift and went to this weird control center thing. There were a bunch of weird tourists there, and a large pile of lost and found stuff in the middle, with control panels all around. After that it kind of changed and I was in a driveway wearing very large boots. There was a white arch thing with flowers, and a house. It was like a party or something and people were carrying boxes into the house.

Then we decided to prank someone, of which I have no idea who was, everyone was unfamiliar.

We put the big boots in the arch and the person got in them and fell through a hatch. I then realized I forgot something at the control center.

So I went back to the ski lift and I was the only one there. At the control center I looked for my thing in the lost and found pile and all of a sudden I was in a game. I was confused even in my dream, and my mom and older sister were there.

So the game started and my sister explained to me that there was a master, and everyone else were slaves.

The goal was to escape from the game world and the way to do that is there was a certain thing you had to get.

The thing we had to get was iron.

There was a large trench thing and a cave on each side of the trench.

On one side, there were stairs going up to where the master basically lived. My mom was chosen as master, and my sister and I were amongst the many slaves.

I wanted to win the game, so I asked my sister what was in the other cave. She said that noone knew, and you couldn't make the jump over the trench. It was impossible.

I felt, for some reason, that I could do it and I waited for the master, my mom, to be in her room.

I climbed the ladder to the place where the stairs started and I somehow made the jump across the trench.

The cave was dark, and there were spikes coming up from the ground and down from the ceiling in some places.

Behind the ground spikes, I found this little, chubby boy covered in freckles. He wore a cape and told me he was superman.

I saw the iron behind him, and it looked like iron from minecraft. I asked if he could get it out and he shrugged and tried to get it out.

He failed unfortunately.

Then the actual Superman came, and used his laser vision to get the iron out. Then there were these gnomes. I don't know why I dreamt of gnomes so much, but this was not there only appearance in my dream world.

They said we couldn't have the iron and they made jewelry for the master with the stuff in the cave.

The gnomes showed me this slot machine like thing and the iron or gold went in, and necklaces or bracelets came out.

Basically I decided to sneak the iron out and kept it behind me in my hand. So then my sister and I were called to my mom's room place and superman took the kid and flew away, and I jumped back over the trench, iron in my hand.

I went up to the room, my sister with me, and met her there and she was fixing her sheets.

My mom started talking to us about how she would go easy on us as the master, and we'd be okay as long as we promised to not try to escape.

My mom kept moving around me, and I could no longer just have the iron out, so I stuck it in my mouth.

The iron was weird and warm and gooey btw. We agreed to not escape (but not really hehehe) and the world started crumbling as we left.

We were running out of time.

I showed my sister the iron and we ran down the stairs and back in the trench, running to a control panel. I met these other people, and they wanted to help.

We stuck the iron into a spot where it goes and a large, purple portal popped up, and screaming people escaped through it as the world came crashing down.

However, one of the people I met didn't want to go through it, and ran away, so my new friends and I ran after him.

We got to him and told him that he had to come, but he refused. After him convincing us, and the world almost crashing down right on us, we left without him and went through the portal.

I then found myself in water and there were a couple of children laughing in the water with a father, and a mother on the beach wearing sunglasses.

I didn't recognize them, but I knew I was with them. There was a large shadow in the water, and a huge, curvy snake popped up like how the lochness monster is described kind of but not. More of some other sea monster.

Two scaly purple arches came out of the water.

The family and I laughed and basically befriended it, taking turns to ride it.

Then the scene kind of got smaller and my dream ended like a movie does. The whole zooming out and then all black and stuff. It was weird.

Okay, that's all. Sorry to bother you. I won't post anymore today hehehe.

Au revoir!!!!

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