Explanation time

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Lol I got quite a few people with my mysteryness



1. I've been scared of chocolate milk

Truth! One time in second grade, a kid found a spider in their chocolate milk carton. It scared me so I stayed away from chocolate milk

2. I've been scared of doorknobs

Truth! A wasp was hidden underneath a doorknob, I grabbed the doorknob, got stung. I went out of my way to not open doors or to thoroughly check any doorknob before touching it for a while. We good now though

3. I've been scared of lawn chairs

Lie! This was just the first thing that came to mind!!!


1. I've licked someone's eyebrows before

Truth! Yup. My step mom. I asked her once if I could lick her eyebrows off out of nowhere for no reason. I thought she would say no. She was sure she caught my bluff and said yes. I asked if she was sure and she said yup. At first I wasn't going to, but then I decided there was no going back so I grabbed her face and licked her eyebrow.

By the way, eyebrows taste really gross. Hers tasted like makeup

2. I've licked a tree

Lie! I haven't.... yet...

3. I've squished someone's earlobe.

Truth! I've squished a lot of earlobes actually-

I went around once asking everyone if I could squish their earlobe. You would be surprised at how many people said yes. So. Many. It was awesome. Earlobes are so squishable


1. I like eating cheetos with a s p o o n

Truth! I don't like the orange powder getting on my hands, so s p o o n is the way to go!!!

2. I have birb

Truth! Technically my sister has a birb, but I still consider her my niece. I love her. And she loves my glasses. And my ring. Have a picture of Iris!!!!

She's extremely photogenic-

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She's extremely photogenic-

3. I love candy corn

Lie! Ew.... candy corn.... bleh


1. I just sang Let It Go at the top of my lungs with my sister

Truth! You bet B)

2. I really want to go on a hot air balloon

Lie! No no no no. Skydiving? I'll consider. But hot air balloon? Gosh, no. There are a lot of hot air balloons where I live though. One time I saw someone deflating a hot air balloon. We were just across the road from them. I think they're cool, but I'm far too afraid of falling out to go on one of those...

3. I've almost died 4 times

Truth! Give or take a few. When I was born, I came early, then decided lol nope and didn't want to be born.

When I was 1 1/2, I got bronchitis and pneumonia, my dad refused to believe I was sick but my mom brought me to urgent care and then I got ambulanced to a hospital from there. I'm fine now though :>.

Many years ago, like 6 maybe, I was stupid, and rode my bike down a driveway without looking. Almost got hit by a car. But I didn't, and I got a lengthy lecture from the old lady who was driving. I didn't tell anyone until recently because I was embarrassed lol.

Another time I was on a field trip to a bog. It's like a big swampy, quicksand sort of thing for those who don't know what it is. We were taking turns going on it, where the people there said it was safe. When I was stepping back onto the dock, my boot got stuck and I almost fell back into it. Apparently people have actually died in the bog.  Like a carriage rode into it by accident and sunk under. I might not have died, but it was spooky.

Anyways, I think that's all!!!!

How many points did you get?

How well do you really know me?

I am a can of mystery


Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch

Who watches over you?

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

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