2 trooths and 1 lie

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Aight I was tagged by kookieskreamy and got TheoToasterBoi to do 2 truths and a lie. So here we go

1. I've been scared of chocolate milk

2. I've been scared of doorknobs

3. I've been scared of lawn chairs


1. I've licked someone's eyebrows before

2. I've licked a tree

3. I've squished someone's earlobe


1. I like eating cheetos with a s p o o n

2. I have birb

3. I love candy corn


1. I just sang let it go at the top of my lungs with my sister

2. I really want to go on a hot air balloon

3. I've almost died 4 times

Lol there ya go. I'll give the correct answers in a couple days n stuff

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