Foxy Scares Me

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I was tagged, and I really don't want to see what punishment Foxy might come up with

I was tagged, and I really don't want to see what punishment Foxy might come up with

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1. Hello PinkFox567 !!!!

2. Cusp of Libra and Scorpio, but a lot of sources just say Scorpio, but I personally think I exhibit traits of both. Or not. I dunno

3. Uh I dunno, I like extreme frisbee. I get to destroy my sister and tackle her. It's fun :>

4. I really like a lot of people. I like Regina Spektor, and also Mary Lambert, I like a lot of people, not really one specific person

5. To my followers- thank you, I love and appreciate each and every one of you!!!! *tears up* I'd like to thank my good friend, Electraneer. They were the reason I got back onto wattpad, because I wasn't on it for a very very long time, and when they got it, I got back on as well. I'd like to thank the academy!!!

Okay, moving on.

6. There are so many! I really liked the Proposal and also the Green Mile was a sad, but really good movie.

7. .... I used to know so many weird facts that no one wanted to know, but now I only know addiction facts. And I would tell you a chemistry joke, but I wouldn't get a reaction.

Hehe, that was the joke.

Actually, screw that, I am the joke. And I'm the punch line.

As in if you don't laugh, I'll punch you

8. I don't know very many people, and all the people I know I will leave for An0n but I'll do some anyways






Uh I'm not gonna do anymore cuz I dunno why.

I probably won't actually come up with a punishment, tbh

Pasta luego

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