Dooben Toogen

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I got tagged by MershMellowo and also iguessthiscanwork

Thank you both

Thank you both

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1. Depends. Sometimes I get dysmorphia and feel like everyone is watching and judging so I care because it feels like their eyes are burning into me, even if they don't exist. I also don't want to be perceived as rude, so I try my hardest to be as kind as possible. Or sometimes I could care less about what others think and could dance around in a bikini and fruit hat with no worries.

2. Yeet Elizabeth. After my great great grandmother from Sweden called Elisabet

3. Soccer or volleyball

4. Irl- SHOUT OUT TO THE CHICKEN NUGGET SQUAD EVEN THO ONLY ONE OF YOU ARE ON WATTPAD BUT STILL YOU BEAUTIFUL BEIIIIIINGS!!!!!! Online- I couldn't choose one! But if I must then MershMellowo !!!! She's awesome and super funny and makes me smile every day!

5. My mom. She's amazing and I aspire to be like her

6. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I mean, I don't have many irl, and my only one online is Can so that I guess? Or I could go with the one I've been called since birth, which would be Bowie

7. No

8. She/her

9. Yeah kind of. In 3rd to 4th grade there was this kid and people constantly came up to me to tell me he had a crush on me, and I kinda liked him back so he asked me out and there was my 4th grade romance story. Then I moved away and haven't talked to him since. I wonder how he is...

10. Yes? I dunno. I believe that some things are meant to be and I believe in predetermination kind of for some things. I'm not really sure what I believe in...

- being rude for no reason, or doing something mean without a reason

- people talking trash about others. Makes me want to sock some people in the jaw

- stereotypes. I hate them. All of them.

12. No, not really. Sometimes I crack and my cup of emotion overflows. That has happened a lot lately, me breaking down for no reason. I should probably take a chill pill- but no, I'm not emotional like my sister, who wears her heart on her sleeve

13. "Sorry" "are you sure" "um" or "uh"



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I'm not going to show my real face, duh, but I do have pictures that I've drawn of myself. I draw myself a lot. Not to be selfish or self centered or anything, I just want to draw someone and not have them feel bad if I mess up really badly or have to beg someone to stay still so I can remember their face. I'm always here and if I screw my face up, we good. If I change my mind, maybe I'll put one at the end


I have a couple of my cousin. She's absolutely beautiful, even though she doesn't see it, and I miss her a lot. She deserves better than what she's getting, definitely

16. Drawing probably. Although I do like singing or making songs, even though I suck big time at both

17. My mom. She's gone through so much and she is fearless. I look up to her respectability. And also Electraneer. They go through so much all the time and I look up to their strength and durability. They are an absolute inspiration and deserve the best and only the best. I am proud to be their comrade :>

18. Those two ^^^ and also my friend Elise. She is always kind and a very good person and friend. The very definition of kill them with kindness.

Or kill them with a deadly glare that is given to those who deserve it

19. :> ye. If you are on discord you probably know wonk wonk


















And I might as well put a picture in-

I did this one a while ago and the propositions are all wrong, so don't judge ;-;

I did this one a while ago and the propositions are all wrong, so don't judge ;-;

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And it's sideways. Of course it's sideways. TvT

Au revoir

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