Chapter 24: Lily

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Chapter 24: Lily

    "Kyra!" Lily exclaimed in welcome as the other woman walked into the room. She was sitting in Evan and Alaine's living room. Most of the group was already there. Even Vex had shown up. Now with Kyra's arrival they were just waiting for Simon, who was supposed to bring Ryan Lydon. After hearing about his performance in the battle from both Lily and Simon, Evan had decided to offer him a place in the group. And then tonight, with the full group assembled, they were going to discuss the plan, and reaffirm once and for all their commitment to this.

    "Hey girl," Kyra Sagrand said as she approached, smiling as she dropped onto the sofa next to Lily.

    "How are you enjoying the new bat?" Lily asked.

    "I was never really into baseball, but I'll admit, it's nice to have finally gotten my hands on a larikin weapon like that. I even figured out it's power already," Kyra told her, and when Lily raised her eyebrows, Kyra went on. "So long as I'm in physical contact with it, I'm stronger. Not by a lot, but enough that it's noticeable."

    "I'm sure plenty of professional players would've loved to get a bat like that, just to save them the cost of steroids," Lily joked.

    "Let me guess, Vex and Silver are raiding the kitchen for food?" Kyra asked, peering towards the wall separating the living room from the kitchen, on the other side of which two auras could easily be sensed.

    "Yep, they decided they wanted a snack while they wait. But Simon should be getting here with Ryan Lydon any time now," Lily said, glancing off to the side at a digital clock on a nearby table.

    Finally turning her attention back to Kyra, Lily took the other girl in for a moment. She was a beautiful woman, long red hair, soulful brown eyes, of a height with Lily herself. Lily was never quite as close to Kyra as she was to Alaine and Evan, but she still generally considered the girl a friend, someone she'd trust. They didn't hang out much, but when they did they often seemed to share the same point of view about a lot of things.

    "It's still kind of hard to believe we're actually going to do this," Kyra commented.

    "I know what you mean," Lily agreed. "But Evan and Alaine are right, it needs to be done. Vanning's gone too far, and he's just going to keep going farther and farther. If I thought there was a chance he'd suddenly see reason, then at least that might be something. But that's not going to happen. He's just going to keep getting worse. Someone has to do something before he starts to drag all the freaks of the city down with him. And it looks like that someone is going to be us."

    Kyra seemed about to reply when they all sensed two more auras approaching the front door of the house. "Looks like our final guests are arriving," Evan spoke up with a smile, rising from his seat and heading towards the door.

    Sure enough, a few minutes later he came striding back, Simon and Ryan in tow. She hadn't seen them since shortly after the battle, but both their wounds were completely gone. Simon had even cleaned himself up more than usual. His dark hair and eyes complimented a clean-shaven face, which was a definite change since he'd seemed to have mastered always having a couple day's growth of facial hair.

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