Chapter 27: Alaine

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Chapter 27: Alaine

    Alaine Fray took deep calming breaths as she waited with her husband Evan a few blocks away from Derek Vanning's place. It was the night of the 17th, the time for their assault, and they were simply waiting for the rest of their group to arrive. They'd already got confirmation that Payne had left the city over an hour before. It would probably be another five or six hours before he returned given the length of the drive there and back and the amount of time they expected him to spend in the meeting. Everything was set, yet she couldn't help how nervous she felt. Tonight would change everything, and both she and Evan would make it through it, she had to believe that. A new era would begin for the city, under Evan's leadership. A better time, for all of them.

    Kyra had already arrived, and looked just as nervous as Alaine felt. Evan was the only one who didn't look concerned, there was a confidence to his expression, to his stance, even given the danger ahead of them. It was one of the things she loved about him, nothing ever really shook him. She knew he'd make a great leader for the city, infinitely better than Vanning was.

    The others arrived one at a time over the next couple minutes. First Simon, then Vex, then Ryan, then Lily, and finally Silver. The entire time Alaine just kept reminding herself that they had the advantage tonight. They had the numbers, they had the weapons. They were going to win this fight, and being nervous wasn't going to help her. The moment Lily appeared Evan handed her a transceiver and told her the location of the roof he wanted her to check things out from, barely a block away from Vanning's place. Lily slipped the transceiver on and took off just as Silver arrived. There were only two other transceivers, Evan took one for himself and gave the other to Vex, who'd lead the ones breaking in through the back.

    "Is everybody ready?" Evan finally asked. There were nods all around, solemn expressions on their faces except for Kyra, who still looked just as nervous as Alaine was. Alaine just reached out to grasp Evan's right hand and give it a soft squeeze. He flashed her a quick smile before speaking into the transceiver. "Lily, how're things looking?"

    A few seconds passed as he listened to her response before he glanced around at them. "Alright, things are clear, Vanning is taking a nap in his throne room. The timing is perfect, everyone. Remember why we're here, why we're doing this. Remember what Vanning has done to this city, and what you know he'd do in the future. Give this everything you have. Ryan, when everyone rushes in, I want you to take as many shots as you can at Vanning right away," Evan said, drawing another nod from the other man. "Hopefully you can get a couple hits in and disorient and distract him if not take him down outright. Simon, Kyra, after the shots are fired try to get in quick strikes with your larikins. Don't try to engage in direct combat right away, just try to sideswipe him as you rush by. Your goal is to further wound him. Don't go for a killing blow unless he's so disabled by the gunshots that you're absolutely certain you can take him out. Otherwise, your goal is just to hurt him further. Aim for an arm or a leg if you can, to help reduce his ability to fight back. Then everyone else close. Hold nothing back. Don't forget the shadow arms he can generate, they're the biggest threat, so watch out for them. Alright, let's get moving. You know where to go."

    Vex, Kyra, and Ryan went off first, Kyra carrying her bat and Ryan with revolver in hand. Simon reached up and drew his sword from a scabbard he had strapped over his shoulder and back. He got a firm grip on it before nodding to Evan. With one quick motion of his hand to signal the rest of them, Evan took off across the roof they were standing on, leaping as he neared the edge with the rest of them hot on his heels. They didn't have far to go, though, coming to a halt a couple blocks down, less than a block away from Vanning's place. The others would be setting up on the same roof as Lily on the other side of the building, facing the back.

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