Chapter 29: Kade/Lily

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Chapter 29: Kade/Lily

    Kade was staring into the eyes of his newest slave, he'd only had her a little over a month. He saw fear in her eyes, a broken spirit. She would follow any order he gave, no matter how humiliating or degrading, without question. She knew the consequences of disobedience. He liked humans that way, aware of their place. Aware of what they were, weak and inferior. If it weren't for the True Minds, freaks would rule the world, and it would be a far more enjoyable place for it. However, even with the limitations True Minds put in place, life was good.

    He'd enjoyed what had happened, earlier that evening, enjoyed watching Evan and Alaine die. They'd been thorns in his side for too long, when he'd been stuck on their team. Too uptight, too constrictive, too much of... Goody-two-shoes, at least for freaks. By human standards they'd have been heinous criminals, but by freak standards they were practically saints. It was just too bad Lily couldn't have gone down with them.

    The sudden approach of a freak aura startled him, he hadn't been expecting anyone. When they reached and knocked on his front door, he reluctantly broke eye contact with the girl in front of him. "Wait for me in the bedroom," he said simply, not waiting for a response but simply turning and making his way towards his visitor.

    When he opened the door, his startlement turned to shock. Standing there was Jacob Seville, a freak so weak that he was barely more than human. He'd been a laughingstock before being banished by Vanning well over a year earlier. How in the hell he gotten up the guts to come back into the city, Kade had no idea. Vanning wouldn't take it well, when he found out.

    "Kade," Jacob said, his distaste for the other freak clear in his voice. "You've been summoned by the new leader of this city to a meeting at the edge of town."

    Kade almost burst out laughing. Oh this was just too sweet, his night had gotten even better. "Little Jacob, you actually threw your hat in with Evan Fray? And the two of you arranged for you to come to the city and start gathering people, after he expected to be in charge? Well, I'm glad to get to be the one to inform you, but Evan is dead, and you're toast. Vanning isn't going to tolerate your violating your banishment. Maybe he'll let me get to be the one who kills you for it."

    "I liked Evan, he was a good guy, but he's not the one who sent me," Jacob said, the faintest of smiles crossing his lips. "He's not the one who killed Vanning an hour ago. He's not the one who summoned you. Nicholas Killian, servant of Angela Harken, and with her full support backing him, has executed Vanning for his crimes against our society, and has seized control of this city. And he commands your presence."

    Kade felt his blood run cold. It couldn't be true, it couldn't be. "You're lying," he replied flatly.

    "You know better Kade," Jacob said, smiling openly now at the other man's obvious discomfort. "If Vanning were still alive, would I honestly come back into this city and put my own life on the line just to prank you? I'm not that stupid, and you know it. Vanning's dead alright, I saw the body myself."

    "And what exactly does this new leader want with me?" Kade asked, unable to keep the worry out of his own voice. Jacob was right, he knew the weakling wouldn't have come back, wouldn't be here, unless he was sure. Which meant he wasn't lying, Vanning was dead. What if the new leader had decided to clean house, and eliminate everyone who'd sided with Vanning, under the guise of executing 'accomplices' of Vanning's crimes? It'd be a quick and easy way of removing all potential opposition to his newly established rule.

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