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"Hey, Zen!" Zen called out to Aahan.

Aahan noticed them and... smiled.

"What a freak! He's smiling?" David asked.

"And waving at us. Unlike us, he's excited to see us it seems," Jake said. The boys stopped in their tracks and waited for Aahan to run up to them.

"Zen! You're here? I can't believe my eyes!" Aahan said.

"Wait, dude, are you a fan?" Sam asked.

"Not really, but I'll explain my excitement. Let's go inside," Aahan said and they started walking back, "Actually, not me, but someone else would be excited to see Zen and all of you,"

"What now? Do you have one more child or what?" Stefan asked.

"What? Did you meet my daughter? How is she? And my wife?" Aahan asked.

"Wife? I thought you left her?" Zen mocked Aahan.

"I did and regret doing that. After everything is settled, I'll go back to her and apologize. Hopefully, she'll take me back," Aahan spoke with guilt.

"Your daughter is fine, but she misses you," Mike told Aahan and he smiled back at him.

"I loved my wife a lot, but then I fell in love with someone else. Then that someone else made me realize that I still love my wife," Aahan said.

"Just say that 'someone else' rejected you," Stefan said with a smirk and Aahan chuckled at that.

"True, she's the one who's excited for Zen. She loves him a lot," Aahan said.

"No one can take Meena's place," said Zen coldly.

"Dude, she just may be a fan. Why do you think she loves you in that way?" Jake was teasing Zen which worked because Zen instantly threw a glare at him.

"True, no one can love you like her. I'm sorry dude," Aahan said and placed a hand on Zen's shoulder which he shrugged off with another glare.

By then, they had reached Aahan's home.

"By the way, you can punch me if you want because the mocks and glares aren't doing justice. I deserve to be beaten by you," Aahan told Zen.


"Did you find Zen yet?" Amar asked.

"Yes, we have his location in a remote village of Sikkim," the gang leader said. "One of our best shooters is there and Zen will be dead soon," Amar hung up the call.

"He said that Zen is in a remote village of Sikkim," Amar reported to Vijay.

"Well, didn't Zen just make it easier," Vijay said with a smirk.

Vijay then left home and told Amar that he could leave as well.

Vijay had been leaving Maya home alone a lot. Though it hurt her, she was now used to it and well-aware that their love had always been one-sided. But suddenly, Vijay leaving was proving to be beneficial for her. She was guilty of all her actions in the past and wanted to repay even in the slightest bit.

She had managed to get Stefan's number and wanted to warn about Vijay's plan to kill Zen.

With sweaty hands, she picked up her phone and pressed call on Stefan's number.

"It won't be of any use," she heard a man speak from behind her and her eyes went wide.

She contemplated whether or not to turn behind while the phone ringed beside her ear.

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