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This male knew the trouble he was in. Another fight was added to the amount of fighting he has done within this year. Surviving was one thing, but people who commented about him and his adopted father were another. Sure, the comments about Clive did not bother him, but comments about him surely did. After getting kicked from the basketball team, things turned for the worst, going from one home to another, he was always casted as an outcast.

Being outcast can be good, like meeting a group of friends who always stood by his side when hell rose from the heavens. Speaking of which, one of them came to the police station with a med-kit.

"You never stop, do you?"

A soft snort escaped the male's lips as she took a spot next to him. He got into so many fights that they hoped he would die from blood loss. Yet, here he sits, filled with pride as the girl his age patched him up.

"You know, Julie, it isn't fun without a little bit of violence."

With that, the female named Julie shook her head. Taking a pad of alcohol, she dabbed it onto his cheek in which he winced in protest. Finally, after some time she finished fixing him up, the rest of the group came to visit their infamous leader. People were staring at them, due to how loud they came in, but they did not care.

"Damn Frank, who did you fuck up this time?"

"Julie's ex. Kept saying shit when I was buying some snacks from the store."

A small laugh escaped the bulked up male as he reached out for a high-five. When Frank noticed this, he reached out with a smile and gave him the high-five. However, both females sighed, as the pink-haired girl shook her head.

"You both are dumbasses, ya'know that?"

"But you love us!"

Before the girl argued, a policeman came in with a file. His face was very wrinkly, with bags under his eyes explaining how tired he is. He rose the file and spoke;

"This is your last warning. One more and you are going to jail, understood?"

Silence was heard, it was too quiet. Everyone has their eyes on Frank, who did not look like he was going to crumble under the stares. He let out a sigh as he shook his head.


[Small Time Skip]

After the whole signing papers, due to the fact that his adoptive father wasn't present to sign them. He was free, and now on his way back home with his friends. His friends, currently, were eating fries as Julie was holding the drinks. Yes they decided to stop by to buy food and crash at Frank's place. Since his father wasn't present most of the time, so why not use his home as a hangout?

Laughter was heard as Frank pulled up to his house and parked it in the drive through. Nothing was heard but them, it was strange. Usually music would be heard from the living room due to his father's drunken state.

"He probably must be at the bar or something"

Frank shrugged his shoulder as he said that, he honestly did not give a fuck about his adoptive dad. After everyone got out, walked to the door, and suddenly got a strange vibe. It was eerie and scary. Quickly Frank opened the door, which when he did everything suddenly stopped in time.



Currently a stranger was looking for something. Something valuable, something delicate, something soft. She went from room to room finding it. She knew this was the right house due to the small scente of the thing she was trying to find. It wasn't hard to find the scent, since it was very easy for her to smell.

However, it wasn't easy to go into the bar with a half mask and bloody nails. So, she had to put up an act. Flirting wasn't her thing, but getting her thing back, she would do anything.

Going inside his house was easy, since he was very, very drunk. Eating him alive was the best part. Blood everywhere, destroying parts of his body as well as drawing a small fox on the wall with his blood was fun. Hearing him plead with mercy brought her joy. But, midway eating a chunk of his forearm, she heard a soft "bow" above her. Quickly she went upstairs, leaving the poor old man in his dying state.

Which lead up to the situation right now. After destroying everything she found her thing. Her thing was a small fox, a fox from the million from the Entity had gift her.

She was having her reunion when she heard, "What the fuck?!"

Translation: "Where is it!?"

Prey (The Legion x Reader!Reverse AU!)Where stories live. Discover now