Journal Entry:...Error 8

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[Y/N] wonder how hell would feel like. Would hell feel like a hidden warmth in the hands of a selfish bitch? Or would it feel like a never ending burn on your skin?

That day when she agreed to the devil, she felt it comfortable.

Going into the Realms was one thing, but going through the games this Entity made up is complicated. Meeting new people was one thing, but killers like her were something. Killers would glare at her, would consider her a bigger threat since she was the only one who can actually communicate with the Entity. She even got the name, "Entity's Bitch" by the Clown.

For some odd reason, The Huntress, the Nurse and Ghost Face befriended her before she could ever mutter a word.

Maybe because she had a baby face? Maybe because you look too 'kawaii'? Or maybe she just looked lonely. Probably all of the above.

Ghost Face was the first to talk to her, well, bother to be exact. She was in his region/realm, just sitting there with her tails swinging like a dog. He thought it was a human werewolf or a survivor with a costume. But, it was just a lonely killer who was just there. Ghost simply accepted her there, since she does nothing wrong. Hell, he even gave her a headpat in which she purred on the spot. That was the day she showed emotion to someone since her transformation.

The second one was Huntress, where [Y/N] was wandering off into the woods looking for Ghost like a lost pet. She had taken off her mask due to the fact that this fog wasn't helping. At this time, Huntress was coming back from a trial. She was a bit drowsy since it took more energy than she thought. When going back to her region, she saw the silky [S/C] skin under the moon's pale light, as well as a soft, tired baby face. That is when she knew, she needed to protect this person.

However, the one who made [Y/N] more humane than anyone was the Nurse. When she returned from the punishment from the Entity, Huntress was busy with her trial while Ghost was panicking about [Y/N] losing too much blood. So, Mama Nurse took over and tended her wounds. Even after that, The Nurse took care of [Y/N], even taught her how to read and write in English since she basically had broken language.

However....If this was hell, she loved it too much to consider it deadly.

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