friend or foe?

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The days after that dark has been with her mother helping the arrival of her sibling.
Dark:hey mom?
Dark:is that spike hurting you is it normal for us?
Shade:no it doesn't hurt at all and its completely normal for the shadow demon race to have spikes in our stomachs when we're pregnant its either the tail or the wings its also normal to have a tint of color at the end of the tail see how its purple?
Dark sees the spike wiggle as it glowed a purple hue.
Dark:did I have this when I was pregnant?
Shade:no,yours is a ghost belly if you got your appearance from me then you would've had this but yours is different,since you lack the skin or the necessary organs you get a soul in there and the only way to keep it healthy is by your magic or energy in simple terms.
Shade lifts up darks shirt and activates her magic revealing a black flat stomach.
Dark:I'm still getting used to this was it always this black?
Shade:no it was like your Father's energy,hot pink.but you turned into a shadow demon goddess thus turning your magic black.
Dark:I'm a goddess of darkness?Sweet.
Shade:you stayed on the mortal plane of existence so you can defend it better which was a good idea because I would've missed you deeply because anyone can't go into the realm of the gods.
Dark:how come?
Shade:I don't know,but the god of death trained you how you managed to become a goddess is beyond me.
Dark:I wonder where raph is right now?
Shade:He's with your dad patrolling the city,new York is a dangerous city for its gangs and other evil people,that's how you and raph met by fighting the gang called the purple dragons.
With raph and mel
Raph:so uh,mel how are you holding up on the situation we're in?
Mel:terribly ,I can't believe I let this happen to my daughter.what kind of father am I letting a damn octopus hurt my child again?a very pathetic one that's who.
?: there's a way to get darks memories back.
Mel:I'm not in a good mood so show yourself!
The person came out of hiding revealing that it was cross.
Cross:there's a way to help darknight but you need to hear me out.
Mel:hell no,not after what you tried to do a few years ago with the "x-event"!
Cross:I see the error of my ways, was chara that wanted to do that not me,I see that I should've just let that go and went with core frisk. I want to help you both as a apology.
Mel gave a psychotic smile at the skeleton giving cross  and evil look in his eye.
Mel:you'll tell me what you know how to get her memories back.
He walks towards him with a scary fashion grabbing cross by the wrist teleporting both of them away.
Raph:Glad im not cross.
He continues to patrol the city completely unaware of what mel was doing to cross.

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