journey to the center of darks mind!

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Mel and raph made it back to the lair finding dark in deep sleep raph chuckled noticing that she had a trail of pink drool around her mouth.
Mel:so graceful...alright call April I'll get Donnie over here with some equipment for this to work.
Raph:already on it...
April: hey raph what's up?
Raph:hey April,I know that this is short notice but mel and I found a way to help dark get her memories back the thing is we need your help to transport both of us in there like mikey that one time.
April:sure,it'll help dark and I've been training with my psychic powers wanting to try that again.
Raph:well nows your chance see you soon.
Mel:donnie do you have anything for infiltrating the mind?
Donnie:you're in luck mel,I happen to have the equipment that I was just ready to test out.
Mel smiles and levitates darks sleeping body on to the floor after setting a pallet down for her to lay on.
April arrives and greets the others that are around dark.she was hooked up to several machines and snoring.
April:ok,are you two ready?
Aushra:do you think its gonna work mikey?
Mikey:it worked for me I'm sure it'll work on her.
Shade:mel promise me you'll be careful.
Mel:you know I stink at making promises but I swear that dark will be back to normal by the end of the day.
Shade:that's good for now..
Ganz:good luck,brother.
Mel:I'll see you soon brother.
As raph puts on the suction cup on his forehead mel sat down and kissed darks head promising that she'll be okay.
Mel puts on the suction cup and april focuses on the three of them sending both raph and mels psyche  in dark.
Inside darks head-
Mel opened his eye socket to a crystal cave filled with pink glowing rocks as its only light source.
Mel:raph? April?shit,don't tell me that we got separated.
With raph he opened his eyes to find that floor was a checkered floor with black tradisioning into hot pink.
Raph:oh shit here we go again.well when in doubt explore.
The two explore the places that they were in.
Mel was calling out for dark and raph but there was no answer from them.
Just as he was sighing he found an area that had glass shard fragment surrounding darkness tree of sins,finding out that its not the tree of sins but a tree of guilt.
Mel:no way...
Back to raph
Raph was walking aimlessly until he heard voices that sounded like dark but he knew all too well that's not the case as he found multiple versions one for each emotion.
Raph takes a deep breath and gets all of their attention.
All darks:?

Gztmnt:the final chapter Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat